Thus, TMS allows the study of both local and distal effects of magnetic stimulation.16 The importance of specific brain areas and neuronal networks can be studied with TMS. In depression, studies have reported
beneficial effects with rTMS when the coil is placed over the left, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (LDLPFC), and with sTMS when the coil is placed over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (RDLP.FC).5 In studies with rTMS over the LDLPFC, the site for stimulation is located by placing the coil 5 cm rostrally and parasagitally to the motor cortex. This may not be accurate enough as individual variations in the anatomy of the cortex #Cisplatin keyword# are not taken into account. The method of neuronavigation, which is commonly used in neurosurgery, relies on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and frameless stereotaxy to determine coil placement. This method improves the ability to target, the LDLPFC accurately.17,18 Frequency of stimulation and total number of pulses administered per treatment Magnetic stimulation can be administered at frequencies ranging between Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical less than 1 Hz and 100 Hz. In humans,
there are no safety guidelines for stimulation above 20 Hz. The remarkable flexibility of this parameter may have far-reaching implications for the magnetic stimulation of the brain. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical It has been proposed and demonstrated that low-frequency stimulation of the motor cortex leads to brief inhibition of motor responses,19 while higher frequency stimulation of the motor cortex leads to brief excitation of motor responses.20 The total number of pulses administered Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical during a treatment, depends on the frequency of stimulation and the length of each treatment. Initial studies administered few magnetic pulses. More recent, studies introduced the concept of trains of stimulation and
also proposed that additional clinical benefits, especially Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in depressive illness, are obtained when the number of magnetic pulses is increased dramatically. For sellckchem example, in previous communications from our laboratory, we have administered up to 24 000 stimulations per course of TMS; in an ongoing study, we are testing whether 160 000 stimulations per course would be more effective in the treatment of Carfilzomib severe depression. Number of treatments The number of treatments has also varied greatly between the studies. The initial reports were based on a single day’s stimulation. More recently, studies report between 5 and 20 treatment days. The relevance of this difference remains to be established. We recently finished a study comparing the changes in depression ratings after 2 or 4 weeks of rTMS. Significant, additional clinical gains were noted after 4 weeks (Grunhaus et al, unpublished data). Use of sham controls Open studies with TMS are difficult to evaluate, especially because of the placebo-like effects that treatment with magnets may have. However, it is difficult, to mask the effects of the magnet.