5 g/l + 0 5 g/l, 0 83 g and 0 67 g/l At the beginning of the exp

5 g/l + 0.5 g/l, 0.83 g and 0.67 g/l. At the beginning of the experiment, catalase (1000 U/ml) was added to the germinating conidia. For each treatment and repetition

50 conidia were scored for their germination after staining with 0.02% of cotton blue in lactic acid and percentage of conidial germination was calculated. This experiment was repeated twice in time. Different letters at each data point indicate differences from the control treatment after analysis with a Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney test with a sequential Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. Figure 5 Effect of a combined application Dabrafenib supplier of catalase and respectively prothioconazole + fluoxastrobin (a) and prothioconazole (b) on extracellular H 2 O 2 concentrations at 4 h after fungicide application. Conidia at a concentration of 106 conidia/ml were challenged with a

tenfold dilution series of fluoxastrobin + prothioconazole, azoxystrobin and prothioconazole starting from 0.5 g/l + 0.5 g/l, 0.83 g and 0.67 g/l in the absence (dashed line) or presence of 1000 U/ml catalase (solid line). H2O2 was measured at 4 h using TMB (trimethylbenzidine) as a substrate in the presence of an overdose of peroxidase. The H2O2 concentrations were calculated based on a high throughput screening standard curve included in each experiment. Each data point is the result of three repetitions and the experiments were repeated twice in time. Different letters at each data point indicate differences from the control treatment after analysis with a Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney test with a sequential Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. Stress-induced H2O2

accumulation upon fungicide application is necessary and sufficient as a trigger to induce DON To further decipher a direct link between H2O2 at one hand and the production of the mycotoxin DON at the other acetylcholine hand, the accumulation of DON was monitored upon exogenously single pulse application of H2O2ranging from 0.01 mM up to 100 mM. H2O2 influenced germination of F. graminearum conidia in a concentration-dependent manner (Figure 6). As early as 4 h after the start of the assay, exogenously application of H2O2 at concentrations from 1 mM up to 100 mM retarded or stopped conidial germination. The sub lethal concentration of 10 mM H2O2 induced DON production as fast as 4 h after application of H2O2 in one of the experiments. In the other experiment, 4 h was probably just too early to observe the increased DON production and in this experiment, the increment in DON was observed at 24 h. The ability of 10 mM H2O2 to initiate DON production is in concordance with H2O2 concentrations induced by sub lethal prothioconazole concentrations (Figure 3A). At later time points, DON did not further accumulate and concentration remained the same for the subsequent 24 and 48 h time points.

Koopman et al [52] found that after full-body resistance

Koopman et al [52] found that after full-body resistance

training, adding carbohydrate (0.15, or 0.6 g/kg/hr) to amply dosed casein hydrolysate (0.3 g/kg/hr) did not increase whole body protein balance during a 6-hour post-exercise recovery period compared to the protein-only treatment. Subsequently, Staples et al [53] reported that after lower-body resistance exercise (leg extensions), the increase in post-exercise muscle protein balance from ingesting DNA Damage inhibitor 25 g whey isolate was not improved by an additional 50 g maltodextrin during a 3-hour recovery period. For the goal of maximizing rates of muscle gain, these findings support the broader objective of meeting total daily carbohydrate need instead of specifically timing its constituent doses. Collectively, these data indicate an increased potential for dietary flexibility while maintaining the pursuit of optimal timing. References 1. Kerksick C, Harvey T, Stout J, Campbell B, Wilborn C, Kreider R, Kalman D, Ziegenfuss T, Lopez H, Landis J, Ivy JL, Antonio J: International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: nutrient timing. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2008, 5:17.CrossRefPubMed 2. Ivy J, Portman R: Nutrient Timing: The Future of Sports Nutrition. North Bergen, NJ: Basic Health Publications; 2004. 3. Candow DG, Chilibeck PD: Timing of creatine or protein supplementation BTK inhibitor cost and resistance training in the elderly. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2008,33(1):184–90.CrossRefPubMed 4. Hulmi JJ, Lockwood

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: Oncoprotein Bmi-1 renders apoptotic resistance to glioma cells

: Oncoprotein Bmi-1 renders apoptotic resistance to glioma cells through activation of the IKK-nuclear

factor-kappaB Pathway. Am J Pathol 2010,176(2):699–709.PubMedCrossRef 14. Dupasquier S, Abdel-Samad R, Glazer RI, Bastide P, Jay P, Joubert D, Cavailles V, Blache P, Quittau-Prevostel C: A new mechanism of SOX9 action to regulate PKCalpha expression in the intestine epithelium. J Cell Sci 2009,122(Pt 13):2191–2196.PubMedCrossRef 15. Darido C, Buchert M, Pannequin J, Bastide P, Zalzali H, Mantamadiotis T, Bourgaux JF, Garambois V, Jay P, Blache P, et al.: Defective claudin-7 regulation by Tcf-4 and Sox-9 disrupts the polarity and increases the tumorigenicity of colorectal cancer cells. Cancer Res 2008,68(11):4258–4268.PubMedCrossRef 16. Okubo T, Knoepfler PS, Eisenman RN, Hogan BL: Nmyc plays

an essential role during lung development as a dosage-sensitive regulator of progenitor cell proliferation ACP-196 concentration and differentiation. Development selleck compound 2005,132(6):1363–1374.PubMedCrossRef 17. Thomsen MK, Ambroisine L, Wynn S, Cheah KS, Foster CS, Fisher G, Berney DM, Moller H, Reuter VE, Scardino P, et al.: SOX9 elevation in the prostate promotes proliferation and cooperates with PTEN loss to drive tumor formation. Cancer Res 2010,70(3):979–987.PubMedCrossRef 18. Carbonnelle-Puscian A, Vidal V, Laurendeau I, Valeyrie-Allanore L, Vidaud D, Bieche I, Leroy K, Lantieri L, Wolkenstein P, Schedl A, et al.: SOX9 expression increases with malignant

potential CHIR-99021 nmr in tumors from patients with neurofibromatosis 1 and is not correlated to desert hedgehog. Hum Pathol 2011,42(3):434–443.PubMedCrossRef 19. Ling S, Chang X, Schultz L, Lee TK, Chaux A, Marchionni L, Netto GJ, Sidransky D, Berman DM: An EGFR-ERK-SOX9 signaling cascade links urothelial development and regeneration to cancer. Cancer Res 2011,71(11):3812–3821.PubMedCrossRef Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors’ contributions Chun-Hui Zhou and Li-Ping Ye participated in the data collection, performed the statistical analysis and drafted the manuscript. Shi-Xing Ye assisted with the data collection, Yan-Li, Xin-Yin Zhang, Xin-Yu Xu made substantial contributions to the analysis and interpretation of data, Dr. Li-Yun Gong conceived of the study, participated in its design and coordination and helped to draft the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
“Background Immunoglobulin (Ig)D multiple myeloma (IgD MM) is a rare subtype of myeloma, accounts for less than 2% of all myelomas [1] and is accompanied with aggressive course, resistance to chemotherapy and poor outcome. It is often associated with relatively high frequencies of renal failure, extra osseous disease, hypercalcemia, amyloidosis and Bence-Jones proteinuria [2–5]. The survival of patients with IgD MM has been reported to be shorter than that of patients with other types of M-protein [2, 4, 6].

We claim for heterogeneous catalysis on the surface of nano-parti

We claim for heterogeneous catalysis on the surface of nano-particles of silicates which are condensing everywhere in the spreading cloud. Impacts of planetesimals provided important processing of the early Earth by producing early impact-generated atmosphere and hydrosphere Akt inhibitor coupled with the input of nonequilibrium environmental components and synthesis of organic species of various complexities from initially inorganic/organic source elements. Acknowledgements This research was supported by the RAS Program of Basic Research (P-18) and RFBR grant No 07-05-01054.

Gerasimov M.V., et al. (1998) Physics and Chemistry of Impacts. Earth, Moon, and Planets, 80(1–3):209–259. Gerasimov M.V. (2002) Toxins produced by meteorite impacts and their possible role in a biotic mass extinction. In: Koeberl, C., and MacLeod, K.G., editors, Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond, Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Special Paper 356:705–716. Mukhin, L. M. et al. (1989) Origin of precursors of organic molecules during evaporation of meteorites and mafic terrestrial rocks, Nature, 340:46–48. E-mail: mgerasim@mx.​iki.​rssi.​ru Prebiotic Synthesis in Cosmic Environment: In-flight

Survival and Formation During Short- and Long-Term Low-Earth Orbiting Natalia Gontareva, Evgenia Kuzicheva Laboratory of exobiology, Institute of cytology Abiogenesis—the emergence of life from nonliving physicochemical systems—forms the core of the evolutionary paradigm. Multiple flights at the low earth orbit, the latest results obtained by space missions and Linsitinib cost laboratory experiments have yielded a new data about structure and composition of cosmic bodies and extraterrestrial environment. All these latest achievements contributed to the belief in possibility of organic compounds synthesis in the outer space environment. Yet the hypothesis of the life origin under strictly natural conditions, Farnesyltransferase especially through interstellar or interplanetary

transport, needs more convincing facts as well as the precise analyzing of the data obtained. Experiments conducted on five different Earth-orbiting Russian space missions revealed that cosmic radiation in space both enhanced biochemical synthesis and decayed the biological molecules (nucleosides and peptides) placed on the spacecraft. With long flight durations the degradation reactions always exceeded the synthesis reactions (Kuzicehva and Gontareva 2001). Meanwhile, short-term space flights such as Bion and Foton missions revealed completely opposite situation, when synthesis prevails over decay (Kuzicheva and Simakov 1999). Diverse database from the last decade will be summarized in respect with chemical evolution processes and future space missions planning. Information gained from the spacecrafts during the scientifically planned experiments concerns not only biochemical data.

Figure 3d shows a MMI pattern generated by middle-launch configur

Figure 3d shows a MMI pattern generated by middle-launch configuration. Near-field source launch evanescent field coupled into the waveguide and then formed interference patterns. Input intensity was split into 50:50 at a position of x = 21 μm with gap 2.1 μm, which is very close to the experimental result (2.237 μm). Moreover, the simulated propagation length is 15.87 μm, which is qualitative agreement with the experimental result, 13.82 μm. It is noted that this waveguide is too short to support self-imaging effect.Simulations of corner-launched configurations were shown in Figure 3e,f. That was corresponding to experimentally result of Figure 4b,c, LY2835219 datasheet respectively. First, concentrated

field was distributed at the corner near the light source, then the field split into three paths and guided following at specific angles. These angles correspond to wavevector components. Ray-optic-like effect was observed by analyzing

the main path. The reflection angle of the simulation is about 43.5°. A difference is found in corner-launch cases when compared with experimental result. The intensity of leakage radiation at the edge of the waveguide is brighter than inside the region, but it is invisible in simulation. This effect is Poziotinib in vivo attributed to the scattering effect by the rough waveguide sidewalls. The intensity of leakage radiation is weaker than scattering light so the bright patterns were observed at the waveguide sidewalls. Figure 4 Dual DLSPPW coupler studied by NFES with different wavelengths. (a) SEM image of DLSPPW-based dual waveguides coupler. (b) Leakage radiation images of SPP waves propagation in the Farnesyltransferase coupler from λ = 700 to 800 nm wavelengths. Cyan dash line showed the coupling length was decreased with the incident wavelength. (c) The measured and calculated coupling lengths as a function of wavelength. Red line shows the calculation results. Black line shows the measured results. Dual DLSPPW coupler When two waveguides are very close to each other, their

mode fields overlap and optical energy is transferred from one waveguide to the other. This dual waveguide coupler has been applied for many kinds of devices, such as power splitter, wavelength filter, and optical modulator. Understanding the coupling property is an important issue in the applications. The proposed setup can be well applied to the measurement of the plasmonic coupling between dual DLSPPWs. Figure 4a shows a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of a dual DLSPPW coupler. The coupler was consisted of two 90-nm wide and 300-nm high DLSPPW, which supported only fundamental TM00 mode at wavelengths from λ = 480 to 800 nm. The gap of both waveguides was 420 nm. Figure 4b shows the leakage radiation images of SPP mode from λ = 700 to 800 nm wavelengths. Due to the directional coupling effect, period oscillation of the SPP mode was observed.

Both increased and decreased protein level lists were analyzed us

Both increased and decreased protein level lists were analyzed using the overall list of detected proteins as the background. Potentially interesting clusters identified by DAVID were then examined manually. Confocal microscopy S. gordonii stained with hexidium iodide 15 μg ml-1, (Molecular Probes, Carlsbad, CA), F. nucleatum stained 5- (and 6-) carboxyfluorescein (4 μg ml-1, Molecular Probes) and P. gingivalis (2 x 108 cells of each species) were added together, centrifuged

and incubated under anaerobic conditions for 18 h before removal of the supernatant and gentle re-suspension of the cells. The cell suspension (0.5 ml) was added to a glass mTOR inhibitor coverslip before fixing with 4% paraformaldehyde. Detection of P. gingivalis was achieved using a specific anti-whole cell P. gingivalis antibody and anti-rabbit alexa 547 (Molecular Probes) conjugated check details secondary. Coverslips were imaged using an Olympus FV500 laser scanning confocal microscope. A series of XYZ image stacks were digitally reconstructed using Volocity image analysis program (Improvision, Waltham, MA). Acknowledgements This work was supported by the NIH NIDCR under grants DE014372, DE12505 and DE11111. Additional funding was provided by the UW Office

of Research, College of Engineering and the Department of Chemical Engineering. We thank Qiangwei Xia and Fred Taub for the FileMaker database, David A. C. Beck for help with the computations. Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: Summary. This file contains a short summary of all the relative abundance ratios mentioned in this report. Prior to permanent archiving at JGI (http://​www.​jgi.​doe.​gov/​) and LANL (http://​semiglobe.​lanl.​gov/​) with the mass spectral data in XML compatible format, summaries of the protein identifications in the form of tab-delimited text files will be available on a University Loperamide of Washington server (http://​depts.​washington.​edu/​mhlab/​), rather than on the BMC Microbiology web site due to their large size. Request a password from the corresponding

author. These files include details such as SEQUEST scores, peptide sequence, percentage of peptide coverage by observed ions in the CID spectrum, spectral counts, and other information at the individual peptide and protein level as calculated using DTASelect [41]. Spectral counts and coverage information for each protein can also be found in the files listed below. Ratios for protein comparisons with statistically increased levels are shown in red highlight, ratios for statistically decreased levels are shown in green highlight. The pale red and green highlights indicate the q-values for statistically increased or decreased levels respectively. (PDF 3 MB) Additional file 2: SgFn_vs_Sg. A more detailed presentation of the relative abundance ratios for the comparison of SgFn and the Sg controls, including both raw and normalized spectral counts.

b Post-chemotherapy specimen from sample CCRG64 Abbreviations: d

b Post-chemotherapy specimen from sample CCRG64. Abbreviations: dc, diffuse cytoplasmic; dn, diffuse nuclear; fc, focal cytoplasmic; fn, focal

nuclear High frequency of HGF/c-Met related activation of β-catenin in HB To investigate the possibility of Wnt-independent activation of β-catenin, we analysed our tumour cohort for possible HGF/c-Met related tyrosine phosphorylation of β-catenin. We stained the hepatoblastoma https://www.selleckchem.com/products/chir-99021-ct99021-hcl.html tissue array using an antibody recognising tyrosine 654-phosphorylated β-catenin (Y654-β-catenin). This identified positive staining in the cytoplasm of 82/98 (83%) tumours with an additional 27 (28%) showing nuclear accumulation of Y654-β-catenin. In 78 hepatoblastoma with wild type CTNNB1, 26 (33%) showed nuclear expression of Y654-β-catenin, 44 (56%) Ridaforolimus price showed cytoplasmic

staining with only 7 (9%) negative for staining. In contrast, IHC analysis of 20 hepatoblastoma with CTNNB1 mutations or possible deletions showed 5 (25%) were completely negative for Y654-β-catenin (Figure 2a), 14 (70%) had cytoplasmic staining alone (Figure 2b), and only one of 20 (5%) had nuclear expression in addition to cytoplasmic staining (Figure 2c). Figure 2 Immunohistochemical staining of HB using an antibody to Y654-β-catenin. (a) Hepatoblastoma negative for staining with an antibody to Y654- β-catenin. (b) Diffuse cytoplasmic staining of Y654- β-catenin. (c) Nuclear and cytoplasmic staining of Y654- β-catenin in hepatoblastoma. Statistical analysis shows a significant correlation between nuclear accumulation of tyrosine-phosphorylated β-catenin and HB tumours with wild-type CTNNB1 (P-value = 0.015). To verify that tyrosine phosphorylation of β-catenin is specifically due to activation of the HGF/c-Met pathway we examined the expression of tyrosine 1234 and 1235-phosphorylated c-Met. These tyrosine residues become auto-phosphorylated specifically in response to HGF ligand binding.

Eighty-one tumour samples Dipeptidyl peptidase (82%) were positive for Y1234/5-c-Met staining (Figure 3a) and the remaining 17 samples were negative (Figure 3b). A single tumour sample showed a distinct nuclear staining pattern with the antibody to Y1234/5-c-Met (Figure 3c). Statistical analysis showed a 70% correlation between Y1234/5-c-Met and Y654-β-catenin expression (r = 0.7). No correlations between staining patterns and histologic subtypes were found with any of the antibodies used. Figure 3 Immunohistochemical staining of HB using an antibody to Y1234/5-c-Met. (a) Hepatoblastoma positive for staining with an antibody to Y1234/5-c-Met. (b) Negative staining of Y1234/5-c-Met. (c) Nuclear staining of Y1234/5-c-Met seen in a single case of hepatoblastoma.

15 h-1 Some cells expressed the ptsG reporter in conditions when

15 h-1. Some cells expressed the ptsG reporter in conditions when no glucose was taken up via Glc-PTS. Also, low concentration of glucose in the medium feed (first column) led to the existence of a small subpopulation that does not engage in the glucose uptake via Glc-PTS. Transcriptional reporters for glucose transporters can only provide limited insights into the actual metabolic state of cells. Several selleck chemical recent papers have discussed discrepancies between transcriptional reporters and metabolic fluxes in specific parts of metabolic pathways [35, 36]. As a consequence, we need to be cautious when using data from transcriptional reporters to make inferences about the actual physiology of cells.

Additional experiments could provide complementary insights, for instance the analysis of sugar transporter synthesis or activity, together with analysis of sugar assimilation at the single-cell level [37]. Variation in the expression of glucose transporters across environments We next investigated how the variation in expression of reporters

for different glucose transporters changes across different environments. We first compared the results of this study with the results from a genome-wide study of promoter-mediated phenotypic variation [31]. Mean and variation of the expression of ptsG, mglB and rpsM reporters are shown in Figure  3 (plotted are mean values of replicates in different conditions). When power regression lines were fitted across different expression data from the same environment, all lines showed Cyclin-dependent kinase 3 the same trend, namely that the CV of log fluorescence values decreased INCB024360 nmr with mean log GFP expression (Figure  3). Our analysis suggests some general rules: variation in the expression from these three promoters was lowest in batch cultures supplemented with glucose, or glucose plus

acetate, and highest in batch or chemostats cultures with acetate as a sole carbon source. Figure 3 Phenotypic variation in gene expression in 13 different environments. The coefficient of variation (CV) of log expression of PptsG-gfp, PmglB-gfp and PrpsM-gfp was plotted against the mean log expression. Expression of the reporters in different environments was compared to data for 1522 E.coli promoters [31] (light blue diamonds) that were measured in the early exponential phase in batch cultures containing arabinose as a sole carbon source. Circles represent measurements in chemostat environments and triangles represent measurements in batch cultures. Different color of triangles and circles represents different reporters: ptsG (green), mglB (blue) and rpsM (red). Power regression (i.e. linear regression on log-transformed data) was fitted to each set of three promoters measured in the same environment. Colors of fitted lines mark different carbon sources in the feed; full lines mark chemostat environments and dashed lines mark batch cultures. Each data point is the average over 2–5 independent replicates (except for data from [31]).

“Background Many chemotherapeutic agents with different me

“Background Many chemotherapeutic agents with different mechanisms of action have been developed up

to now. Apoptosis induction is one of the mechanisms which has attracted researchers’ attention for fighting against cancer [1]. Doxorubicin check details [2], daunorubicin [3], idarubicin [4], bleomycin [5], mitomycin C [6], cisplatin [7], plicamycin [8], and carmustine [9] are of the well-known apoptogenic agents; although in order to serve them in targeted drug delivery system, appropriate drug carriers should be employed. Such carriers are aimed to facilitate drug delivery procedure and avoid problems like bioavailability and normal tissue toxicity. In this regard, the issues such as loading efficacy and controlled release of the agents are of the inseparable obstacles that researchers are confronted with up to now. The development of an agent that possesses the favorable drug carrier characteristics and acts as an apoptogenic agent by itself could be a promising method for coping with the mentioned obstacles. Calcium phosphate minerals are mostly known as bone substitutive materials Dinaciclib research buy due to their outstanding biocompatibility [10]. Employing nanotechnology has led to develop these biomaterials in nanoscale range, although some of the studies reported the cytotoxic effect of hydroxyapatite (one of calcium phosphate crystalline phases) nanoparticles (HANs) on bone

and cartilage cells through apoptosis induction [11–16]. This adverse effect was also observed in other cell lines such as macrophage, granulose, epithelial, and muscle [17–20]. Interestingly, it was demonstrated that HANs also could have toxic effect on cancer cells through triggering the apoptosis, which leads to cell death Miconazole and inhibits proliferation [12, 21–28]. Based on the abovementioned facts, it could be suggested that HAN has the potential to serve as an apoptogenic agent. Always, there are associate risks and adverse effects of administrated chemicals, drugs, and medicine via

nanocarriers such as calcium phosphate nanoparticles (CPNs). In this study, it is aimed to reduce such risks by employing CPN as an anticancer agent, not as a drug carrier. This hypothesis is not in contrast with using CPNs as drug delivery vehicles and it can be used for such purposes such as gene delivery, but here, the potency of amorphous calcium phosphate nanoparticles (ACPNs) for cancer therapy is highlighted. As long as this hypothesis matters, two issues are brought up: (i) whether only HAN induces this effect in cells or other CPNs possess this potential and (ii) the steps toward development of a favorable platform in order to be utilized in cancer therapy. Therefore, through the presented hypothesis, we suggest that ACPN could serve as an apoptogenic agent in cancer treatment by employing a suitable targeted drug delivery platform.

Figure 1 2-DE of P acnes culture supernatants Bacteria were gro

Figure 1 2-DE of P. acnes culture supernatants. Bacteria were grown in BHI medium to an OD600 of 0.6. Supernatants were harvested and precipitated. Protein samples (200 μg) from each

strain were separated on 2-DE gels and visualized by staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250. Trametinib ic50 The following strains were used: (a) KPA171202 (type IB); (b) P6 (type IB); (c) 266 (type IA); (d) 329 (type II); (e) 487 (type III). Information about the identified protein spots is provided in additional file 2. The identified proteins for each strain, with molecular weights, isoelectric points, Mascot scores and sequence coverage are listed in additional file 2. In total, 64, 63, 54, 30, and 28 protein spots for P. acnes strains 266, KPA, P6, 329 and 487, respectively,

were unambiguously identified and assigned to database entries. Several proteins occurred in spot series, representing check details different protein species of the same protein. Post-translational modifications are a likely explanation, resulting in altered molecular masses and/or isoelectric points [28]. A few MS spectra originating from secreted proteins of strain 329 could not be assigned to any database entry (Fig. 1D, spots 39-41), indicating that these proteins are strain-specific. The inability to identify these proteins

also reflects the absence of genome sequence data from type II and type III strains; only genome sequences from type I strains are currently available. Twenty Benzatropine commonly secreted proteins of P. acnes The identified proteins secreted by the five strains tested were assigned to the reference KPA genome (Fig. 2, additional file 2). A set of 20 proteins was secreted by at least three of the five strains, including eight proteins secreted by all strains (Table 1). All 20 proteins were secreted by the P6 strain, whereas 19 (95%), 15 (75%), 15 (75%) and 12 (60%) of these proteins were secreted by the KPA, 266, 329 and 487 strains, respectively. We cannot exclude, however, that proteins secreted at lower levels were missed by our approach, as the amount of secretion varied between the strains and the sensitivity of the Coomassie stain is limited to the 100 ng range. Figure 2 Distribution of secreted proteins in five P. acnes strains. The identified proteins in each strain were assigned to the gene nomenclature of the KPA genome (PPA numbers) and of the partial genome of SK137 (PROAC numbers). Table 1 Twenty proteins constitute the common secretome of P. acnes.