Figure 3d shows a MMI pattern generated by middle-launch configuration. Near-field source launch evanescent field coupled into the waveguide and then formed interference patterns. Input intensity was split into 50:50 at a position of x = 21 μm with gap 2.1 μm, which is very close to the experimental result (2.237 μm). Moreover, the simulated propagation length is 15.87 μm, which is qualitative agreement with the experimental result, 13.82 μm. It is noted that this waveguide is too short to support self-imaging effect.Simulations of corner-launched configurations were shown in Figure 3e,f. That was corresponding to experimentally result of Figure 4b,c, LY2835219 datasheet respectively. First, concentrated
field was distributed at the corner near the light source, then the field split into three paths and guided following at specific angles. These angles correspond to wavevector components. Ray-optic-like effect was observed by analyzing
the main path. The reflection angle of the simulation is about 43.5°. A difference is found in corner-launch cases when compared with experimental result. The intensity of leakage radiation at the edge of the waveguide is brighter than inside the region, but it is invisible in simulation. This effect is Poziotinib in vivo attributed to the scattering effect by the rough waveguide sidewalls. The intensity of leakage radiation is weaker than scattering light so the bright patterns were observed at the waveguide sidewalls. Figure 4 Dual DLSPPW coupler studied by NFES with different wavelengths. (a) SEM image of DLSPPW-based dual waveguides coupler. (b) Leakage radiation images of SPP waves propagation in the Farnesyltransferase coupler from λ = 700 to 800 nm wavelengths. Cyan dash line showed the coupling length was decreased with the incident wavelength. (c) The measured and calculated coupling lengths as a function of wavelength. Red line shows the calculation results. Black line shows the measured results. Dual DLSPPW coupler When two waveguides are very close to each other, their
mode fields overlap and optical energy is transferred from one waveguide to the other. This dual waveguide coupler has been applied for many kinds of devices, such as power splitter, wavelength filter, and optical modulator. Understanding the coupling property is an important issue in the applications. The proposed setup can be well applied to the measurement of the plasmonic coupling between dual DLSPPWs. Figure 4a shows a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of a dual DLSPPW coupler. The coupler was consisted of two 90-nm wide and 300-nm high DLSPPW, which supported only fundamental TM00 mode at wavelengths from λ = 480 to 800 nm. The gap of both waveguides was 420 nm. Figure 4b shows the leakage radiation images of SPP mode from λ = 700 to 800 nm wavelengths. Due to the directional coupling effect, period oscillation of the SPP mode was observed.