[23-28] In the present study, rs-fcMRI was used to investigate whether CM, a disorder consisting of frequent headaches and aberrant affective responses to stimuli perceived as Venetoclax datasheet painful (eg, cutaneous stimulation, light, noise), is associated, interictally, with atypical rs-fc of affective pain-processing regions. Following institutional review
board approval, 20 CM subjects diagnosed using International Classification of Headache Disorders II (ICHD-II) criteria were enrolled.[29] Subjects were excluded if they met ICHD-II criteria for medication overuse, had contraindications to magnetic resonance imaging, neurologic disorders other than migraine, psychiatric disorders other than anxiety or depression, or pain disorders other than migraine. Use of medications considered migraine prophylactics was permitted as long as there were no changes in medications or dosages within 8 weeks of study participation. Extant data from healthy controls who were not taking medications and who were studied using the same imaging protocols were used for comparison. All subjects provided written informed consent for study participation.
Data collected from chronic migraineurs included: (1) number of years with migraine; (2) number of years with CM; (3) CDK inhibitor headache frequency; (4) current medications; (5) Migraine Disability Assessment Scale score; (6) Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) score; and Decitabine solubility dmso (7) State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) scores.[30-32] Migraineurs were studied when migraine free ≥48 hours and migraine abortive medication free ≥48 hours. Controls were in their usual
healthy state at the time of imaging. Images were obtained on Siemens MAGNETOM Trio 3T scanners (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) with total imaging matrix technology using 12-channel head matrix coils. Structural anatomic scans included a high-resolution T1-weighted sagittal magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo (MP-RAGE) series (repetition time [TR] = 2400 ms, echo time [TE] = 1.13 ms, 176 slices, 1.0 mm3 voxels) and a coarse T2-weighted turbo spin echo series (TR = 6150 ms, TE = 86.0 ms, 36 axial slices, 1 × 1 × 4 mm3 voxels). Functional imaging used a BOLD contrast-sensitive sequence (T2* evolution time = 25 ms, flip angle = 90°, resolution = 4 × 4 × 4 mm). Whole-brain echo planar imaging volumes (MRI frames) of 36 contiguous, 4 mm thick axial slices were obtained every 2.2 seconds. BOLD data were collected in two 6-minute runs during which subjects were instructed to relax with their eyes closed. All analyses were performed using in-house software (FIDL analysis package, www.nil.wustl.edu/labs/fidl) that has been utilized in numerous previously published studies.[33-35] fMRI BOLD data were preprocessed via standard methods used in our lab.