Included within that definition was anyone this website who had experienced barrier contraception failure. Of the 401 pharmacies
in Perth metropolitan region, 24 (6%) pharmacies expressed interest in participating. Five pharmacies were excluded on the basis they had less than one EC request per month. The remaining 19 (5%) pharmacies were recruited for the study. Thirteen (12%) out of the 112 pharmacies in rural, regional and remote WA agreed to participate. A total of 113 EC consumers completed and returned the survey: n = 75 from Perth metropolitan pharmacies, and n = 38 from rural, regional and remote pharmacies in WA. The median age of the 113 women was 22 years (IQR = 19, 27 years) and the median age of sexual debut was 16 years (IQR = 14, 18 years). In Table 1 we present the consumer demographic
information along with their sexual behaviours and risks as well as their willingness to accept a chlamydia test from a pharmacy. We observed no statistical differences (P < 0.05) in the categorical data for consumer demographics and their sexual behaviours and risk between Perth metropolitan and rural, regional and remote WA. However, significantly more women said they would be willing to accept a chlamydia test from a rural, regional and remote WA pharmacy than from a Perth metropolitan pharmacy (P = 0.003). Table 2 shows the total number and percentage of women with risk factors for chlamydia in accordance with the NSTIS.[6, 7] We found that inconsistent barrier contraception (100%) and being aged between 16 and 29 years (85%) were the two most frequent risk factors for see more chlamydia in pharmacy-based EC consumers. All women (100%) requesting EC in this study were classified by us as having inconsistent barrier contraception on the basis that they either did not use a condom or that they had experienced condom failure. In order to determine their risk of chlamydia we calculated the
number of above-mentioned risk factors for each consumer. Sodium butyrate Figure 1 shows the percentage of women with the number of risk factors for chlamydia. From this it can be seen that women who request EC from pharmacies are at high risk of chlamydia on the basis that 94% had at least two out of the four risk factors for C. trachomatis. Some 47% had three or more risk factors, whereas a small minority (8%) of the women had all four risk factors. The majority of the women (73 and 69% respectively) said it was very easy/easy for them to get to the pharmacy and found that they felt very comfortable/comfortable discussing EC with the pharmacist. Almost half (48%) of the women said that they were very unconcerned/unconcerned about privacy in the pharmacy; in contrast, nearly a third (29%) said that they were very concerned/concerned about the issue to privacy. This study has identified some very important findings.