solium [4] and [5] Other antigens encoded by the TSOL45 gene fam

solium [4] and [5]. Other antigens encoded by the TSOL45 gene family have not yet been evaluated for their ability to protect pigs against infection with the T. solium parasite. The TSOL16 antigen is a third T. solium antigen

type click here that has been cloned from oncospheres and the encoding gene has been characterized [8]. It was isolated from T. solium following demonstration of the ability of a homologous recombinant antigen, To16, to confer protection of vaccinated sheep against a related parasite, Taenia ovis [9]. TSOL16 appears to be specifically expressed in the oncosphere life cycle stage of T. solium [10] and is associated with penetration gland cells [11]. Although the development of a porcine vaccine based upon the TSOL18 antigen is at an advanced stage, nevertheless it remains important to evaluate the potential for other antigens to protect pigs against T. solium. For example, widespread application of a vaccine based on a single immunogen could potentially select for genetic variants of T. solium having reduced susceptibility to the vaccine. Application of a vaccine incorporating

multiple, antigenically Selleck A-1210477 unrelated immunogens would be expected to reduce the likelihood of selection of resistant parasites, in a manner analogous to the use of different anthelmintics to reduce selection for resistance [12]. Currently available evidence [13] does not suggest that genetic variability in the TSOL18 protein would be a problem during the initial application

of the TSOL18 vaccine, however evaluating the ability of other recombinant proteins to complement TSOL18 would add to the potential reliability of vaccination as a control measure for T. solium. The aims of this study were to evaluate whether the TSOL16 protein could be used to protect pigs against infection with T. solium and to determine whether a protein related to the TSOL45-1A antigen and encoded by isothipendyl a splice variant lacking one of two FnIII domains (TSOL45-1B) retains the ability to protect pigs against cysticercosis. The TSOL16 cDNA was originally cloned from T. solium oncosphere mRNA as described in [8]. Two related TSOL16 cDNAs were first isolated, designated TSOL16A and TSOL16B, which differed at two positions in their predicted amino acid sequences [8]. The TSOL16A cDNA was selected for expression in Escherichia coli since the substituted amino acids were identical in sequence to To16 from T. ovis, a related antigen that has been previously shown to be host protective in sheep [9]. The encoded TSOL16A protein contains hydrophobic amino acids within a predicted secretory signal at the N-terminus. In order to enable efficient expression of the TSOL16A protein in E. coli, PCR amplification was used to produce a cDNA construct encoding a modified form of the antigen that lacked the 16 N-terminal amino acids of the secretory signal.

We also conducted a three-wave, two-level hierarchical growth mod

We also conducted a three-wave, two-level hierarchical growth model, where PTSD was treated as a time-varying predictor. Measurements were nested within subjects. Due to the multilevel framework using repeated measurement occasions, missing data for PTSD did not result in pairwise deletion. This yielded a slightly larger study sample size compared with the single-level analysis, containing 37,856 subjects (level-2 units) and 113,568 measurement occasions. The same variables used in the single-level logistic regression were included,

with the addition of a time factor. Age, race/ethnicity, sex, education, BMI, high cholesterol, and hypertension were all included as time-invariant predictors. Once an enrollee reported a diagnosis of diabetes, his or her PTSD status at subsequent waves was not included so as to not bias the temporal association between PTSD and new-onset

diabetes. Data were prepared in SAS version 9.2 and multilevel analysis was conducted ABT 888 using HLM 7 (SSI International, Skokie, Illinois). Of 36,899 study participants, 2143 (5.8%) reported having been diagnosed with diabetes between GDC-0068 mw Registry enrollment (2003–2004) and March 2012. Table 1 shows the sociodemographic characteristics and 9/11-related exposures of the study population. Persons with diabetes were more likely to be male, older, a race/ethnicity other than non-Hispanic white, have reported high cholesterol or hypertension, and be overweight or obese. College graduates, never smokers, and Lower Manhattan residents on 9/11 were less likely to report new-onset diabetes. Those with PTSD at W1 were more likely to report new-onset diabetes (8.9%) compared with those who did not have PTSD (5.3%) (χ2 statistic = 104.07, P < 0.0001). Table 2 shows crude and adjusted ORs for new-onset diabetes. Sex lost statistical significance in the multivariable model, as did having less than a high school degree. The odds of reporting diabetes increased with age. Race was a significant predictor, with Asian enrollees showing a more than threefold increased

odds compared to non-Hispanic white others enrollees (AOR = 3.27, 95% CI = 2.72–3.94). Black and Hispanic enrollees were also more likely to develop new-onset diabetes. High cholesterol, hypertension, and overweight/obesity all remained strongly associated with diabetes after adjustment. The association between PTSD at W1 and new-onset diabetes also remained significant (AOR = 1.28, 95% CI = 1.14–1.44). The results from the growth model, shown in Table 3, were similar to those of the single-level logistic regression. The growth parameter was statistically significant, showing that the odds of diabetes increased over time (AOR = 3.58, 95% CI = 3.39–3.79). Controlling for all other predictors (including time), PTSD was significantly associated with new-onset diabetes (AOR = 1.37, 95% CI = 1.23–1.52). We observed a significant association between 9/11-related PTSD at Registry enrollment and new-onset diabetes reported at follow-up.

3) Flotillin-1 and flotillin-2 (also called reggie-2 and reggie-

3). Flotillin-1 and flotillin-2 (also called reggie-2 and reggie-1, respectively) are lipid raft-associated

proteins and are thought to be involved in clathrin- and caveolae-independent endocytosis pathways, which is already stated by several studies [22], [23], [24] and [25]. Another study discussed a contribution of flotillins to maturation processes of late phagosomes ISRIB price in macrophages (J774) [26]. Furthermore, Vercauteren and co-workers reported a flotillin-1-dependent uptake mechanism of polyplexes in retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells [27]. These results corroborate the findings demonstrated in the present study, in which flotillin-1/2 were partially detected in LAMP-1-bearing vesicles of H441 and ISO-HAS-1 (see additional Fig. 1), but it did not colocalize

with early endosomal marker proteins such as EEA1 (early antigen 1, data not shown). Since this PLX-4720 manufacturer phenomenon occurs in a variety of cell types such as macrophages (J774), epithelial cells (H441, HeLa, RPE) or endothelial cells (ISO-HAS-1), it appears to be a general phenomenon. Thus, flotillins may play a general key role in late- or lysosomal degradation or storage processes. Uptake experiments with Sicastar and AmOrSil in H441 which were carried out under coculture conditions also revealed an incorporation in flotillin-1 and -2 labelled vesicles for Sicastar Red but not for AmOrSil (Fig. 6) after an incubation period of 4 h and 20 h further cultivation in fresh serum-containing media. The H441 cells in coculture differed from the monoculture with respect to time-and dose-dependency of the nanoparticle uptake. Quantification Linifanib (ABT-869) experiments clearly showed NPs to a higher

extent in H441 in MC compared to H441 in CC with ISO-HAS-1. Based on fluorescence intensity measurements, the H441 in CC did not take up the NPs (Fig. 5A and B). The polarised, barrier-forming H441 in CC required an increased exposure time (permanent 48 h) and an up to 10x higher dose than MCs to observe a visible uptake of Sicastar Red. The reasons for these observations are currently unclear but might be associated to the more restrictive barrier in the CC or with more matured endocytosis mechanisms. The H441 in CC with ISO-HAS-1 displayed a barrier-forming cell phenotype with a more differentiated and polarised state similar to that observed in the in vivo biological barrier. These cells develop a tight barrier demonstrated by a continuous circumferential ZO-1 (zonula occludens-1) staining [9] and [28]. The H441/ISO-HAS-1 coculture achieve a transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) value that averages 560 ± 6 Ω cm2 [9] and [28].

Sílvio Sanches Veiga for the Alexa 488 anti-mouse


Sílvio Sanches Veiga for the Alexa 488 anti-mouse

immunoglobulin G. This work was supported by Pfizer Licensed Compound Library cell line Fapemig and Fundação Araucária/PPSUS (11403/192). Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare that this research was conducted in the absence of any commercial relationship that could create a potential conflict of interest. “
“Many earlier studies have demonstrated that rotaviruses, like any other enteric viruses are shed in stools and primarily transmitted through fecal-oral route, person-to-person contact and fomites [1] and [2]. There has been evidence that rotaviruses may also be transmitted to individuals through respiratory droplets [2], [3] and [4]. The human rotavirus vaccine strain, HRV mimics natural rotavirus infection, replicates in the intestine of the vaccinated infants and provides protection against future rotavirus infections [5]. Studies with the human rotavirus vaccine have demonstrated that the vaccine virus is shed in the stools of vaccinated infants, with the peak shedding observed on Day 7 after first dose (76–80% of infants after Dose 1 and 18–29% of infants after Dose 2) [6]. Due

to the shedding of infectious vaccine virus in stools, there is a theoretical possibility for vaccine virus to be transmitted to unvaccinated or naive infants—a process similar to that observed in natural wild-type rotavirus infection Selleckchem KU57788 [7]. Such transmissions are possibly expected from any live attenuated vaccines such as oral polio vaccine [8]. The phenomenon of transmission of the rotavirus vaccine strain to unvaccinated individuals raises questions about

the safety of the vaccine and the possibility of conferring indirect protection particularly in developing country settings where the vaccine coverage might be incomplete as compared to the developed countries [9]. The current study was the first of its kind that explored the possibility of horizontal transmission of the HRV rotavirus vaccine strain from one twin who received HRV vaccine to the other twin who received placebo crotamiton living under the same household. The immunogenicity and safety of the rotavirus vaccine in transmission cases was also assessed. This phase IIIb, randomized (1:1), placebo-controlled, double-blind study conducted at one urban site in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (106260/NCT00396630). Baseline data from all major pediatric hospitals and nurseries was obtained in advance. Parents were informed of the study by presentations at maternity centers, distribution of brochures in health centers and by providing information to pregnant women and new parents visiting maternity centers and vaccination sites. Pairs of healthy twins living in the same household, aged 6–14 weeks at the time of enrolment, born after a gestational period of ≥32 weeks attending local primary healthcare centers, were referred to the site and recruited by the participating physicians.

Malnourished children are at higher risk for diarrhea due to lowe

Malnourished children are at higher risk for diarrhea due to lowered immune function and damaged intestinal mucosa [1], [4] and [5]. Diarrhea can increase the risk of malnutrition due to reduced food intake, increased metabolism from fever, and malabsorption of nutrients [2], [3], [4], [5], [6] and [7]. Hoyle et al. found that children in Bangladesh with diarrhea selleck inhibitor consumed 47–58% fewer calories than healthy children [2], while Molla et al. determined that children recovering from rotavirus illness

continued to have reduced calorie intake for up to eight weeks after their illness [8]. Malabsorption may be caused by a combination of increased transit time, decreased digestive enzymes, damaged mucosal epithelium, or bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine [2] and [7]. Malnutrition is generally assessed by weight-for-age (underweight), height-for-age (stunting), and weight-for-height (wasting) [9]. These measures are used to calculate Z scores in reference to a standard growth curve, and

children are considered malnourished if their Z score is below −2 [9]. Dasatinib in vivo Low birth weight, defined as weighing less than 2500 g at birth, is an important indicator of maternal health and future infant health, and is especially important in Bangladesh, where up to half of all newborns weigh less than 2500 g at birth [9] and [10]. Pelletier found that malnutrition, even in the mild-to-moderate category, was associated with mortality, underlining the importance of interventions that can address malnutrition [11]. Numerous studies provide evidence that episodes of diarrhea can lead to reductions in growth in children. Martorell et al.

found that children in rural Guatemala with frequent diarrheal illness grew less than children with fewer episodes of diarrhea, with overall differences in the two groups estimated at 3.5 cm in length and 1.5 kg in weight [5]. Mata et al. showed that growth curves of Guatemalan children were markedly affected by periods of illness beginning at about three months of age, that by twelve months almost nearly all children were below standard growth curves, and that diarrheal illness was specifically associated with significant weight loss [12]. A similar study by Rowland et al. in Gambian children also found that weight-for-age decreased over the first year of life, height-for-age decreased over the first two years, and neither improved significantly as age increased, with gastroenteritis associated with reduced gains in both weight and height [13]. Checkley et al. in studies of children in Peru found that an episode of diarrhea in the first six months of life put a child at increased risk of stunting, while diarrhea after six months of age caused short term growth deficits followed by catch-up growth [14]. In Bangladesh, a study by Black et al.

05) from pre-

to post-test responses from NAP SACC for al

05) from pre-

to post-test responses from NAP SACC for all centers and with centers separated by affiliation with school district. All 33 child care centers were eligible to participate in this project. However, 29 centers returned complete data on NAP SACC and had 100% attendance at all workshops; one center changed ownership, one center closed, and two centers had incomplete post-test evaluations. These four centers were all categorized as unaffiliated with school districts. Basic demographics about the residents of the counties where the child care centers PFT�� chemical structure were located are presented in Table 1. A large proportion of the residents in these counties were below the average poverty level for the HKI-272 datasheet state of North Carolina, based on census data. More than 85% of the population was white, non-Hispanic (United States Census Bureau). Table 2 and Table 3 list the categories, questions and responses to the nutrition and physical activity questions, respectively, before and after the intervention. Data are reported as averages for all centers in Table 2 and Table 3 and for affiliated and unaffiliated with

school districts in Table 4 and Table 5. At baseline, only one out of 37 nutrition responses were below standard (or 1 on the 1–4 Likert scale), ‘meals served family style;’ while 17 out of 37 were exceeding standards (3 or above on the scale). Additionally, five nutrition standards significantly improved after the intervention period. More specifically, offerings of ‘100% juice during the day’ and ‘visibly showing nutrition in the classrooms and common areas’ shifted from meeting standards (2 on a 1–4 Likert scale) to far exceeding standards (3 on a 1–4 Likert scale) while ‘weekly menus including both new and familiar foods’ significantly improved, oxyclozanide it was still rated at meeting standards. For two of the three items in ‘nutrition education for staff, children, and parents’ centers improved from meeting to exceeding standards. After the intervention, centers still “rarely or never” (1 on a 1–4 Likert scale)

served meals family style. Similar findings were seen in the physical activity responses. For baseline measures, only ‘physical activity education is offered to parents’ was rated below standard, and nine out of 17 responses were rated as exceeding or far exceeding standards (or 2 or 3 on the 1–4 Likert scale). In four of the five items listed in “play environment”, centers significantly improved by making more fixed and portable play equipment available as well as providing adequate space for physical activity. In addition, ‘visibly displaying physical activity in the classrooms and common areas’ and ‘training opportunities are provided for staff’ and ‘physical activity education is offered to parents’ improved to far exceeding standards. The 29 centers were further separated by whether they were affiliated with the school district (N = 14) or not (N = 15).

Already there exists a combination of number of synthetic compoun

Already there exists a combination of number of synthetic compounds. But now a days, search for antibiotics

and natural product combination therapy is on the verge to fight drug resistant nocosomial infections. The results of the above study are encouraging. There is a need to define the real efficacy and possible toxic effects invivo. This study probably suggests the possibility of using antimicrobial drugs and plant extracts in combination in treating infections caused by multidrug resistant S. aureus strains. Also there is a need of screening more plants showing synergistic effects. Further the results can be extended to study the phytocomponents of the crude extracts showing synergistic activity. GSK1349572 in vivo All authors have none to declare. “
“La mise en place d’une stratégie nationale d’information et d’orientation de la population vers des choix alimentaires satisfaisants (Programme National Alectinib nmr Nutrition Santé [PNNS]). Un auto-questionnaire simple permettant d’évaluer l’atteinte ou non de chacun des repères du PNNS. “
“Il existe

une sous-utilisation des antivitamines K (AVK) chez les patients à haut risque d’accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) (score CHADS2 ≥ 2). Il existait une grande cohérence de perception de la FA et de ses risques, entre les cardiologues, les médecins généralistes (MG)et les patients. “
“Malgré l’application de la tarification à l’activité (T2A), les dépenses de santé augmentent en France. Il objective une sous-estimation importante du coût des prescriptions faites par les médecins urgentistes. “
“Change out in the concentration of phytochemicals due to degradation during storage can greatly compromise the quality of herbal drugs. As some of the herbal drugs prescribed in form of juice (called Sawras in Ayurveda) therefore, effect of storage temperatures need to be studied. Thermal processing, which is required to inactivate microorganism and enzymes present

in the juice, negatively affects the sensory and nutritional compounds of plant-based foods. Therefore, to retain original medicinal and nutritious values non-thermal technologies and their impacts are needed to be analysed. In the few past years, the emerging field of metabolomics has become an important strategy in many research areas such as diseases diagnostics,1 drug discovery,2 human nutrition,3 and also, as recently reviewed in the food science, where it was used for informative, discriminative, and for predictive purposes associated with food quality and safety.4 Now software capable of rapid data mining and aligning algorithms for processing of large spectral data sets of metabolome is available.5, 6 and 7 Advanced chemometric tools for reduction of data dimensionality present in obtained multivariate records are useful tools. Principal component analysis (PCA) represents initial exploration of data internal structure and sample clustering.

Compared with historical data on intussusception-coded hospitaliz

Compared with historical data on intussusception-coded hospitalizations, an apparent, approximate four-fold increased risk of intussusception in infants within one week of being given the first dose of either vaccine was observed in Australia but the number of cases was small [7] and [43]. mTOR inhibitor A small risk of intussusception (∼1–2 cases per 100,000 infants vaccinated) has been detected in some settings following immunization

with the first dose of both currently available rotavirus vaccines. This short-term intussusception risk is of substantially lower magnitude (5–10 fold lower) than that observed with RotaShield. The benefits of rotavirus vaccine in these countries have been substantial and well-documented. These data regarding intussusception have been reviewed by regulatory agencies and immunization advisory committees in countries where AZD5363 research buy the studies were conducted and by WHO GACVS. Recognizing that the real-world benefits of vaccination in terms of decreases in childhood

deaths and hospitalizations related to diarrhea far outweigh the potential short-term risk of intussusception, these groups have unanimously favored continuing the recommendation of rotavirus vaccination. The risk of intussusception following rotavirus vaccination has been evaluated in a variety of populations. In Australia, a low level risk of intussusception was documented following administration of the first dose of both RV1 and RV5 [7]. No increased risk of intussusception has been documented in the United States

for either vaccine Olopatadine (with RV5 accounting for >85% of vaccine doses distributed) but the current US safety monitoring systems are currently unable to rule out the low level of risk seen in Australia [8]. As the vaccination program continues and coverage increases in the US, smaller levels of risk could possibly be detected. Disparate risks of intussusception following RV1 vaccination were documented in studies in Mexico and Brazil [40]. An increased risk of intussusception was observed following the first dose of RV1 in Mexico but not in Brazil [40]. One notable difference between these two populations is that oral polio vaccine (OPV) is co-administered with RV1 in Brazil whereas inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) is co-administered in Mexico. The first dose of OPV is associated with the greatest replication of vaccine polio virus strain and has been shown to lower the take of concomitantly administered RV1. In trials in South Africa and Bangladesh, seroconversion was lower in infants who received RV1 and OPV concomitantly than infants who received RV1 and IPV concomitantly or who RV1 and OPV given two weeks apart, respectively [44] and [45]. Differences between infant diet, maternal antibody, and natural intussusception risk may also play a role in the different observed risks in these populations.

5% completely untyped samples

of the total samples forwar

5% completely untyped samples

of the total samples forwarded for further analysis. RNA was re-extracted from 30% fecal suspensions using the QIAamp Viral Mini RNA kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) as per the manufacturer’s specifications for samples collected from 2007 to 2009 that were initially extracted using Trizol reagent (Invitrogen Life Technologies). Samples collected from 2010 to 2012 were initially subjected to RNA extraction using the Viral Mini RNA kit method; re-extraction was performed using the Trizol reagent. Polymerase chain reaction amplifying the VP6 region was performed to determine the presence or absence of rotavirus using primers described in Table 1 and random primed cDNA [10]. For samples that were negative for the VP6 gene by PCR with SAR405838 concentration Veliparib molecular weight random primed cDNA, cDNA was synthesized using specific priming and amplified with the VP6 primers using the OneStep RT-PCR kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). Samples that were negative by this method were recorded as negative on VP6 PCR with false positive ELISA. The samples positive for the VP6 gene were subjected to G and P typing using the standard primer sets as previously described [11]. RNA from samples which were partially typed and VP6 PCR positive samples which remained untyped after re-extraction and application of the standard genotyping protocol were subjected to

specific priming for reverse transcription and amplification using the VP7F/R and Con2/Con3 primers and the One Step RT-PCR kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany),

followed by a second-round PCR with the standard primer set. Typing of samples that remained untyped was attempted using alternate primer sets targeting the consensus regions of the VP7 and VP4 genes (Table 1) [7]. If present, the first-round product was sequenced for strains that were still G and P untyped (Fig. 1). Sequencing of the first-round amplicon was attempted for all VP6 positive, G- and P-untyped samples. Briefly, the amplicons were purified and sequenced in both directions with the ABI PRISM Big Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) using science the same primer pairs as in the first-round PCR. The sequences were resolved in the automated DNA sequencer, the ABI PRISM 310 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems), and the electropherograms were analyzed using sequencing analysis software (Finch TV, version 1.4.0). Consensus sequences were compared with available rotavirus sequences in GenBank for genotype confirmation using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool ( We explored an approach (Fig. 1) to further characterize partially and completely untyped samples for G and P typing of 57 partially typed and 308 untyped samples. Fifty-eight (58/308, 19%) of the untyped samples were negative for VP6 gene amplification after repeat extraction and VP6 PCR using both random and specific priming methods. These were considered ELISA false positives.

Un certificat permettant la mise en œuvre de recommandations nati

Un certificat permettant la mise en œuvre de recommandations nationales non prises en compte dans les modèles

existants. “
“Le groupe d’analyse des pratiques entre pairs (GAPP) consiste à examiner collectivement des dossiers de patient afin de discuter la qualité de la prise en charge. L’implantation des GAPP s’est accélérée depuis 2006. “
“Les « laits » végétaux ne sont pas des laits et ne conviennent pas à l’alimentation des enfants en bas âge. L’utilisation de boissons végétales chez des nourrissons peut causer rapidement des carences ou déséquilibres hydroélectrolytiques induits. “
“Un nombre d’étudiants PACES en perpétuelle augmentation. Un nouveau paradigme pédagogique en 4 étapes (Cours médiatisés sur DVD et plateforme, formulation en ligne de questions, séance d’enseignement présentiel Bortezomib datasheet interactif et tutorat avec simulation au concours). “
“L’efficacité des échanges plasmatiques sur des petits effectifs dans les poussées sévères des maladies inflammatoires démyélinisantes du SNC ne répondant pas à la corticothérapie. La confirmation de l’efficacité des échanges plasmatiques à moyen terme, sur une série de 35 malades

ayant une poussée sévère dans le cadre d’une maladie inflammatoire démyélinisante du SNC ne répondant pas à la corticothérapie. “
“Les Centres 15 assurent une écoute médicale permanente de la population La PMT au Centre 15 est une réalité : elle concerne près d’un tiers des dossiers “
“La surdité professionnelle fait l’objet d’une réparation all par les tableaux de MPI no 42 et no 46 des régimes général et agricole de la Sécurité sociale. Parmi les déclarations de maladies professionnelles qui parviennent selleck au CRRMP de la région PACA-Corse, un grand nombre d’entre elles ne sont pas reconnues du fait d’un très long dépassement (d’au moins cinq ans dans plus de 40 % des cas) du délai de prise en charge requis au tableau no 42. “
“Le taux de réadmissions précoces est un indicateur de qualité des soins utilisés à l’étranger. Le taux de réadmissions évitables

précoces témoigne simultanément de la qualité des pratiques médicales, de la qualité d’organisation du parcours de soins du patient à l’hôpital et des liens avec le système ambulatoire : il ne peut être identifié de façon normative à l’aide de codes PMSI. “
“L’utilisation large de fluoroquinolones est associée à l’émergence de résistances bactériennes. À l’échelle des hôpitaux d’une région entière, une évaluation des prescriptions de fluoroquinolones dans le traitement des infections urinaires, suivie d’un rendu des résultats et d’une formation des prescripteurs, permet d’améliorer la pertinence des prescriptions. “
“Les myosites ossifiantes sont fréquentes chez le sujet blessé médullaire. Les myosites ossifiantes peuvent avoir une présentation pseudo-septique. “
“Risque d’ATEV identifié dès les essais cliniques. Effets indésirables les plus fréquents (digestifs et cutanés) sont peu graves.