20 This study was performed to find the contribution of the RVLM to cardiovascular responses elicited by glutamate microinjection into the BST. We studied ovariectomized (OVX) and OVX estrogen treated (OVX+E) anesthetized rats to assess the following: -The effect of circulatory estrogen on cardiovascular responses of the BST, -The effect of reversible ablation of the RVLM on the BST cardiovascular responses, and -The effect of blockade of the GABA system of RVLM on the BST cardiovascular responses. Materials and Methods General Procedures Experiments were performed on 53 female Wistar rats (200-250 g) in accordance Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with the European Communities Council Directive of 24
November 1986 (86/609/EEC). The rats were anesthetized with equithesin (0.3 ml/100g, intraperitoneally [i.p.]). Ovariectomy was performed using sterile procedures, by making a 1 cm incision on both sides of the back to expose the ovaries.
The ovaries were clamped and removed with the fallopian tubes being ligated, and the skin was then sutured. Then, a Silastic capsule (internal Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical diameter: 1.57 mm, outer diameter: 3.17 mm, length: 5.0 mm) was implanted between the shoulder blades subcutaneously which either contained cholesterol (for OVX rats, n=27) or 17 β estradiol (for OVX+E rats, n=26). The estrogen containing capsule produced a plasma level estrogen concentration of approximately 30 pg/ml of blood which mimics the proestrus stage of the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical estrous cycle in rats. On the other hand, one study showed that the estrogen level is not detectable (<1 pg/ml) in OVX animals implanted with a cholesterol capsule.21 The animals were given postoperative care for two days. For a period of 10-20 days the animals were
housed under controlled condition with 12 h light/dark cycle Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with food and water available ad libitum. On the day of experiments, the animals were anesthetized again with equithesin (i.p) for surgical procedure and for the rest of the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical experiments with alpha chloralose (60 mg/kg I.V). Supplementary doses (30 mg/kg) were given as required. The paw pinch reflex was used to assess the depth of anesthesia. The trachea was cannulated and the animals were artificially ventilated using a small rodent ventilator (Harvard Apparatus Inc., U.S, model 683) with a mixture of room air and 95% O2. Body temperature was maintained at 37.0±0.2 using a heating pad controller (model 73; Yellow Spring Instrument, Yellow Spring, Ohio). The femoral vein was cannulated for systemic injections. The femoral artery was Methisazone cannulated with polyethylene catheter (PE-50, Stoleting, USA) filled with heparinized saline and connected to a Statham P23XL pressure transducer and HR was monitored with a 7P4DEF Grass tachograph (USA) triggered by the AP pulse. AP and HR were continuously recorded by a Grass 79D polygraph. In some of the experiments AP and HR were continuously recorded by both a Harvard polygraph and a computer program selleck kinase inhibitor written in our laboratory.