Data on the recruited outpatients’ age, sex, nationality, weight and height,
presence and dominance of GERD symptoms, and duration of dyspeptic symptoms were recorded in separate forms. The presence of BE was assessed in two ways: endoscopically and histologically. Diagnosis of BE was established based on the abnormal appearance of the distal esophagus in endoscopy. If there Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical was a suspicion of Barrett’s epithelium in the distal portion of the esophagus, the endoscopist determined the case as BE and the case was marked as a “BE case by endoscopy”. The presence of gastric-appearing mucosa or columnar-lined esophagus was the criterion for the endoscopist’s report of BE. The lengths of the abnormal epithelium were not recorded. Biopsies from all the cases were taken just proximal to the gastroesophageal junction, according to the standard practice for histological
confirmation during the procedure. The decision Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical as regard the number of biopsies to be obtained was made upon the approximation of the Barrett’s epithelium length by the endoscopist. If the pathologist observed evidence of IM in the biopsies, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical BE could be confirmed and the case was marked as a “BE case by pathology”. These data were added to the patient’s form. The data were entered into SPSS software and analyzed using descriptive statistics as well as the chi-square test and t test. Results Of the 1,156 outpatients originally enrolled, 12 patients did not consent to have endoscopy. These 12 patients were comprised of 9 Afghans, who failed to Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical return for endoscopy for unknown reasons, and 3 Iranian patients, who decided that endoscopy was unnecessary despite having received thorough explanation about the necessity of the modality. A total of 1,144 dyspeptic patients, consisting of 1,100 (96.2%) Iranian and 44 (3.8%) Afghan Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical patients at a mean age of 45.2 years old, underwent endoscopy. BE was diagnosed endoscopically in 62 (5.4%) and pathologically in 42 (3.7%) cases. All
these 42 cases were “BE cases by endoscopy” as well, while 20 (32.2%) cases that were “BE cases by endoscopy” were not confirmed as “BE cases by pathology”. Thus, the GW4064 sensitivity of endoscopy for the diagnosis of BE was 100% but its specificity was 67.8%. The mean age of the patients with confirmed BE was old 53.2 years. In terms of gender, 42.6% of the patients without BE were male and 57.4% were female, whereas 64.3% of the patients with BE were male and 35.7 were female (P=0.005) (table1). Table 1 Demographic characteristics of patients with and without BE Hiatus hernia was diagnosed in 10.2% of all the patients (117 out of 1,144). In addition, 9.1% of the patients without IM had hiatus hernia, while 40.5% of the patients with IM had hiatus hernia (P<00.1) (table 2). Reflux esophagitis was detected in 54.8% of the patients with BE and in only 4.4% of the patients without BE (P=0.003).