Those partners specialised in agricultural technology transfer and emphasised alternative marketing processes. In February 2007 (T1), 12 among the 24 communities were chosen for this study, primarily on the basis of their involvement in interventions carried small molecular inhibitors screening out during EcoSalud II (for further details, see Orozco et al27)—that is, good leadership support, substantial interest by community members, and the implementation of most of the agriculture and health interventions. Selected communities had medium to high intensities of
implementation, through which existing social capital facilitated and maintained health information over time, thus being able to influence agricultural production practices, and associated health impacts. Participants and data collection Within each community, farm families were invited to participate in the study through community meetings. In July 2007, between 19 and 21 volunteer families in each community were interviewed. There were slight variations
between communities depending on the availability of families from the initial study EcoSalud II (2005) at the later time (2007). The inclusion criteria for individual participants were defined in 2005 by the EcoSalud II project24 as follows: age between 18 and 65 years, literate, resident in the community for the previous 3 years, and interested in participating. An ethical review was conducted by the Bioethics Committee of the Ecuador National Health
Council (T1) and the Internal Review Board of the Institute of Collective Health, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil (T2). The participants provided written, informed consent. For each family, two questionnaires were used in structured interviews with the person in charge of farm management. The first questionnaire addressed crop management practices, for example, the use of pesticides and social capital, including the individual’s participation in community organisations. The second questionnaire focused on the health-related effects of pesticide use. The questionnaires were based on previous studies conducted in Ecuador on a similar group of farmers.19 22 26 The questionnaires Dacomitinib were pretested in the field to correct aspects related to verbal understanding and to ensure the interviewers’ performance. Trained staff with professional skills in agronomy and health promotion conducted the interviews, directed by a field supervisor. In a few cases, additional visits were made when it was necessary to clarify and review incomplete or surprising information. During both periods, the person responsible for training the staff and managing the logistics of data collection was the first author of this article (FO). The duration of each data collection period was 1 month. At T2, 213 of the initial 227 individuals originally interviewed at T1 were re-interviewed.