The level of significance was considered as P < 0.05. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to determine predictor variables that predict the outcome. Ethical consideration Ethical approval to conduct the study was sought from the WBUCHS/BMC joint institutional ethic review committee before the commencement of the study. Results One hundred-eighteen cases of tetanus were managed during the period under study. Of these, complete information was available on 102 (86.4%) cases while there was some missing data on 16 (13.6%) cases. Thus, a total of 102 patients were studied with an average of 10 cases
per year (range of 8 – 14 cases per year). Demographic data Males were 94 (92.2%) and females were 8 (7.8%) with a ZD1839 male to female ratio of 11.8: 1. Their ages ranged from 8 to 72 years with a mean of 36.21 ± 14.64 years. The median was 34.00 years. The mean age of males and females was 35.14 ± 14.82 and 32.44 ± 11.22 years, respectively (P-value > 0.001). MK0683 purchase The modal age group was 31-40 years. Seventy-six (74.5%) were below 40 years of age, while
26 (25.5%) were aged 40 years and above. No cases of neonatal tetanus were reported. The majority of patients were farmers (51.0%) (Table 1). Table 1 Distribution of occupation and the portals of entry of tetanus Variable Response Number of patients Percentage Occupation Farmers 52 51.0 Labour/industrial workers 22 21.6 Civil servant/businessman 6 5.8 Housewives 5 4.9 Students 5 4.9 Unknown 12 11.8 Portals of entry Acute injury (prick, puncture, laceration, burns) 54 52.9 Skin ulcers 6 5.9 Local surgical procedures 3 2.9 • Uvulectomy 1 • Circumcision 1 • Tooth extraction 1 Chronic otitis media 2 1.9 Others (cellulitis/gangrene) 2 1.9 Abortion 1 0.9 No identified portal of entry 34 33.6 Anatomical site of the portal of entry Lower limbs 55 53.8
Upper limbs 5 4.9 Head/neck 5 4.9 Trunk 2 1.9 Genitalia 1 0.9 Unknown 34 33.6 Previous tetanus Myosin immunization history Previous tetanus immunization status was recorded in all patients. Of these, only twenty-four (23.5%) patients had prior tetanus immunization, while the other seventy-eight (76.5%) patients were not vaccinated or did not know their tetanus immunization status. However, in patients who had prior tetanus immunization there was no written proof of the immunization schedule in any cases. Serology test to detect anti-tetanus antibodies was not performed. Portals of entry and type of injury Acute injuries such us prick, puncture, laceration, burns were the most common portals of entry in 52.9% of cases and 4SC-202 cost commonly occurred in the lower limbs (53.8%). The portals of entry were not identified in 33.6% of cases (Table 1). Twenty-one (38.9%) patients had medical wound care before hospital admission but none received tetanus immunoglobulin despite the absence of tetanus immunity.