The 3D geological model (Fig. 7) shows that the other lower units of the Eromanga Basin (from the Birkhead to the Cadna-owie formations) are also thicker on the eastern side of the fault than to the west. In these units, the differences in thicknesses vary from selleck chemicals 10 to 50 m. This could also be caused by reactivation of this fault during the deposition of these units, indicating that the Tara Structure was probably active during the Jurassic. The Hulton-Rand Structure shows
the largest vertical displacement of the basement (1350 m; Fig. 4a) in the model domain. The Jochmus Formation is the only Galilee Basin unit present on both side of this fault (Fig. 4a), although at a much smaller thickness in the southern part. The large difference in thickness may be due to erosion of the elevated block, leading to removal
of parts of the Jochmus Formation, APO866 chemical structure and possibly also eroding the Aramac Coal Measures. This erosion may be related to an episode of uplift and non-deposition described by Evans (1980), and it likely predates the deposition of the Betts Creek Beds. The Hulton-Rand Structure (Fig. 4a) displaces the Hutton Sandstone by 340 m, and both the Hooray Sandstone and Cadna-owie Formation by approximately 330 m. The thicknesses of these aquifers on both sides of this fault are relatively similar and they all abut against the basement in the direction of groundwater flow. The Aramac Coal Measures and Betts Creek Beds are both truncated against the Hulton-Rand Structure. The features of the model in the upper part of the Hulton-Rand Structure
are not confirmed as the fault Loperamide is not clearly seen in the seismic surfaces (Cadna-owie and Toolebuc; Fig. 5), although vertical displacement of the units in well log data are observed. The Cork Fault has not been assessed in detail. Even though it is observed in Cross Section 19 (Fig. 4b), it was not included within the 3D geological model domain because the activity and the displacement associated with this fault (420 m; Ransley and Smerdon, 2012) could not be constrained using seismic surfaces, as the fault is outside the extent of these surfaces (Fig. 5). It was only constrained using well log data which are very limited in the Lovelle Depression and the confidence is therefore limited. The Dariven Fault and Maranthona Structure can also potentially play an important role in groundwater movement as they are both regional faults. These faults are also orientated parallel to each other (approximately 15–16 km apart), forming a local horst that was active until the Early Cretaceous.