Results and discussion In order to improve the crystallinity of the selenium layer, the samples after ECD were annealed at different temperatures. Figure 2 shows the XRD pattern of selenium depositing on porous TiO2/compact TiO2/FTO/glass before and after annealing at various temperatures for 3 min in the air. The XRD peaks of selenium were not observed at an as-deposition sample. This indicates that the selenium layer was in an amorphous state. In the case of the sample annealing at 100°C, a weak peak of selenium was
observed at the position of 29.6°; this means that the improvement of the crystallinity in selenium was insignificant. NVP-BSK805 supplier However, when the annealing temperature of Se was increased to 200°C, strong peaks were observed at the positions of 23.5°, 29.7°, and 43.8°, and these peaks were indexed at (100), (101), and (012) of selenium, respectively [25]. The appearance of Se strong peaks at the sample annealing at 200°C indicates a strong improvement selleck of the crystallinity in the selenium absorber layer.
The Vorinostat change in the crystallinity of selenium will cause an effect on the optical and microstructural properties, as well as on photovoltaic performance. This topic will be discussed in more detail in the absorption spectra, SEM image, and photocurrent density-voltage results below. Figure 2 The XRD patterns of porous TiO 2 /compact TiO 2 /FTO with/without Se electrochemical deposition and with/without annealing. Figure 3 shows the cross-sectional and surface SEM images
of porous TiO2, Se-coated porous TiO2 without annealing, and Se-coated porous TiO2 with annealing at 200°C for 3 min in the air. From the cross-sectional images, as shown in Figure 3a,c,e, it is difficult to recognize PRKACG the changes in the microstructure in the samples before and after depositing selenium, as well as with and without annealing. Figure 3 SEM images of cross-sections and surface annealings. Cross-section (a) and surface (b) of the porous TiO2/compact TiO2/FTO/glass, the cross-section (c) and surface (d) of Se-coated porous TiO2 before annealing, and the cross-section (e) and surface (f) of Se-coated porous TiO2 after annealing at 200°C for 3 min. The surface of porous TiO2 is rather rough (see Figure 3b) because the particle size of TiO2 nanoparticles is big, approximately 60 nm. However, the surface became smoother after depositing selenium as shown in Figure 3d. Figure 3f shows the surface morphology of selenium-coated porous TiO2 after annealing at 200°C for 3 min in the air. The surface is rougher than that of before annealing. Big particles were observed in this sample. The appearance of big particles and a rough surface is due to the improvement of the crystallinity of selenium after annealing, as mentioned in the XRD section above.