mAChRs on inhibitory neurons, by contrast, help to maintain low levels of correlations in response to increases in excitation that come from both top-down attention and mAChRs on excitatory neurons. When excitatory drive was increased to a column due to top-down attention or BF stimulation, excitatory–inhibitory correlations decreased and excitatory–excitatory correlations remained constant.
This decrease in correlations was further mediated by mAChRs. When the firing pattern of inhibitory neurons was changed from fast-spiking to regular-spiking, excitatory–excitatory and excitatory–inhibitory correlations increased with top-down attention and BF stimulation. This suggests an important role for inhibition in maintaining low excitatory–excitatory correlation levels when excitation is Selleckchem Trametinib increased due to mAChR stimulation on excitatory neurons or added inputs, such as top-down attention. The present model accounts for experimental results demonstrating BF’s role in the enhancement of both bottom-up sensory input and top-down attention. While it has been traditionally accepted that activation of the BF cholinergic system amplifies bottom-up sensory input to the cortex while reducing cortico-cortical and top-down attention (Hasselmo & McGaughy, 2004; this website Yu & Dayan, 2005; Disney et al., 2007), it has also been shown that ACh may be important for enhancing top-down attentional signals
in visual cortex (Herrero et al., 2008). To resolve these seemingly contradictory results, we propose a circuit that involves global and local modes of action by which the BF can enhance sensory and top-down attentional input, respectively. When the BF is stimulated (Fig. 13A, Avelestat (AZD9668) top), it releases ACh in V1 and disinhibits thalamic relay nuclei (via GABAergic projections to the TRN) in a non-specific manner. This leads to a global enhancement of sensory input to the cortex and may correspond to a heightened state of arousal. In contrast, when top-down attentional signals stimulate visual cortex, they can cause a local release of ACh within the context
of our model, which enhances attention locally (Fig. 13A, bottom). The exact mechanisms underlying BF enhancement of sensory information in visual cortex are not completely understood, although it has been suggested that nicotinic receptors play an important role (Disney et al., 2007). We propose that this balance of bottom-up sensory input and top-down input may also be occurring at the level of the thalamus. Topographic projections from the PFC to the TRN, which bias salient input coming from the sensory periphery, may be inhibited via GABAergic projections from the BF. This gives the BF a graded control over top-down attentional biases that PFC may be having on the thalamus. We also suggest that local release of ACh modulates attention by enhancing the firing rates of attended regions in the cortex (Fig. 7).