Luke’s Medical Center, Quezon City; 2Section of Nephrology, St. Luke’s Medical Center; 3Section of Infectious Disease, St. Luke’s Medical Center; 4Section of Neurology, St. Luke’s Medical Center; 5Section of Geriatrics Medicine, St. Luke’s Medical Center This is a case of a 61 year old male, post-kidney transplant, on Tacrolimus, and Mycophenolated mofetil, with 2 month history of recurrent pulmonary infections unresolved with antibiotics. He came in due to a two day history of headache and body weakness, as the initial manifestation of Disseminated cryptococcosis, a rare case seen in less than 2% of solid organ transplant patients. He manifested with low-grade
steady headache, with no signs of meningeal irritation. After four days of
hospitalization, he Wnt inhibitor suddenly manifested disorientation and drowsiness. Cranial MRI showed no signs of meningeal enhancement. Lumbar tap done showed positive for CALAS and india ink showed encapsulated Cryptococcus neoformans. Blood culture showed cryptococcosis neoformans. He was started on Amphotericin B 65 mg/day and Fluconazole 800 mg/day. Immunosuppresants were discontinued while Tacrolimus was maintained on its lowest possible dose at 2 mg/day. He was also started on Co-trimoxazole Ibrutinib in vitro for pneumocystic carinii prophylaxis. Continuous cerebrospinal fluid drainage via a ventriculostomy drain was done to relieve intracranial pressure. Renal replacement therapy was also initiated. Goal of care was to complete induction phase of Amphotericin B and Fluconazole. On his eighth day of anti-fungals, repeat CSF and blood culture still showed CALAS positive, blood culture showed cryptococcus neoformans. Patient had cardio-pulmonary arrest while ongoing hemodialysis, on ninth day of hospitalization. This case shows that infections in immunocompromised hosts
pose a diagnostic dilemma in terms of early diagnosis and early initiation of intensive anti-fungal regimen. Non-specific symptoms occurring sub-acutely, such as headache and body weakness, even without meningeal signs suggesting CNS infection warrant investigation. It is also a therapeutic challenge in decision-making whether to maintain or taper the immunosuppresants to salvage the kidney function or to contain selleck products the infection. GUDITI SWARNALATHA1,2, RAO SHANTA2, SAWHNEY AJAY3, L SUBRAHMANYAM3 1Nizam’s Institute of Medical Saciences; 2Director of Medical Education, Koti Hyderabad, Andhrapradesh, India; 3Principal Secretary to Health, Government of Andhrapradesh, Hyderabad, Andhra pradesh Introduction: In developing country like India the prevalence of end stage organ disease is increasing. Though transplantation has been in practice in India for more than 3 decades, cadaver transplantaion rate is very low (0.08 per million population). Methods: Andhra Pradesh is one of the 28 states in India, situated on the country’s southeastern coast. It is India’s fourth largest state by area and fifth largest by population.