It should be noted that such wind conditions are of a PD-1/PD-L1 tumor purely hypothetical character, as the probability of their occurrence is extremely low. Momentum, heat and water air-sea fluxes in the last four experiments were calculated assuming that the atmospheric fields – wind, air temperature, relative humidity and cloudiness – are stationary and horizontally homogeneous (Table 2). The atmospheric parameters used in the flux calculations were determined according to the Climate Atlas
of Croatia (Zaninović et al. 2008). Sea density profiles were extracted from the 3D numerical model results at the positions of the submarine outfalls analysed with a 12 h time increment (Figure 1). These vertical profiles were used in the implemented near-field numerical model for calculating effluent mixing in the vicinity of the submarine outfalls. The near-field model supplies relevant data on the maximum vertical positions of the effluent plume above the sea bottom for successive density vertical distributions using a 12 h increment over a period of 48 h. Since the density profiles
obtained from the measurements in March were vertically well mixed, the effluent plume could reach the sea surface even without wind assistance; numerical analysis of the mixing process in the near-field was not carried out for March. Verification of the 3D numerical model results for the
period from 3 to 7 September 1976 was carried GSK126 order out using the initial and boundary conditions explained in section 2. Figure 5 shows snapshots of the current velocity fields at 1, 5, 10, 20 and 30 m depth at the time coinciding with the registered wind speed maxima (21 m s−1 – Figure 2) from the NE. Downwind currents are found in the upper layer extending down to 20 m depth, while compensating north-eastward and eastward flows are from 20 m depth to the bottom. Figure 6 shows a comparison of the measured and modelled T profiles at oceanographic stations 1–5 (Figure 1). The differences in the middle and bottom layers at measurement site 4 are small and most likely caused by the presence of the local bottom freshwater springs typical of the area but not included in the model simulation. At station 5 the differences are Molecular motor the most pronounced but still small, probably due to errors in the initial vertical T profile used in the vicinity of station 5. Figures 7 and 8 show the hourly averaged current velocity fields at 1, 10 and 40 m depth during the constant wind forcing from the NE with speeds of 7.5 and 10 m s−1, 24 and 48 h after the wind forcing onset. The former results refer to the period from late June until early July. The current field structure with outgoing flow in the surface layer and compensating currents below are similar in all the experiments.