Injecting +5 nA for just 100 msec during the chirp interval
caused strictly three additional depolarization–hyperpolarization cycles and the motor pattern of an additional 3-syllable chirp (Fig. 2D). Short current pulses (+5 nA; 10–20 msec), which fell entirely CHIR-258 within a chirp, did not change the singing pattern. When injected during the chirp intervals, however, they reliably triggered a single membrane potential oscillation-cycle with at least two action potentials that strictly elicited the motor pattern of a single syllable. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Each additional chirp evoked by depolarizing current injection to A3-AO reliably reset the chirp rhythm of the singing activity (Fig. 2C and D). After the end of the stimulus, the subsequent chirp started with a delay of 230 ± 34 msec (N = 3, n = 51), which closely matched the duration of the normal chirp intervals (229 ± 20 msec; N = 3, n = 60) before current Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical injection. Injection of 100 msec and 500 msec current pulses at different moments of the chirp cycle revealed a linear correlation between the stimulation phase Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and the resulting phase shift of the chirp rhythm (Fig. 2E). Plotted as a phase–response curve (Pinsker 1977), the data for 100 and 500 msec current pulses were
closely fitted by the linear regression functions y = 1.28 × −0.35 (R2 = 0.95; N = 3, n = 34) and y = 1.37 × +0.75 (R2 = 0.92; N = 3, n = 17), respectively. The trend lines of the two data sets are vertically shifted by 1.1
chirp cycles (mean chirp cycle: 364 ± 43 msec; N = 3, n = 120), which precisely reflect the difference of 400 msec in stimulus duration. As A3-AO activation is sufficient to drive Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the syllable motor pattern and also reliably reset the chirp rhythm, this interneuron is clearly a pivotal element of the cricket singing CPG. There was no significant difference between the average opener–closer intervals of fictive singing chirps (21 ± 1 msec; N = 3, n = 90) and chirps induced by current injection in the A3-AO dendrite (20 ± 2 msec; N = 3, n = 90). Just as in the fictive singing pattern, the opener–closer interval of the first syllable in the current-induced Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical chirps was slightly shorter compared with the following (t-test first vs. second and first vs. third syllable: P < 0.01; second vs. third: P > 0.5; N = 3, n = 21 each). The closer–opener intervals, however, were significantly reduced (t-test: P < 0.0001; N = 3, n = 45) in current-induced 17-DMAG (Alvespimycin) HCl chirps (mean ± SD: 15 ± 2 msec) compared with fictive singing (mean ± SD: 21 ± 2 msec) and did not show the successive increase as in natural chirps (Fig. 2F). Sustained hyperpolarizing current injection was used to test if spike activity in both A3-AO sibling neurons is necessary to maintain fictive singing. Within 15–20 sec of injecting a constant −10 nA current in the dendrite of one A3-AO interneuron, fictive singing stopped and recurred not until 5–10 sec after the current injection.