Incision occurs when flow has the capacity to transport sediment

Incision occurs when flow has the capacity to transport sediment in excess of the sediment load supplied Selleck ATM Kinase Inhibitor (Simon and Darby, 1999 and Simon and Rinaldi, 2006). During the “Anthropocene,” human activities and pervasive land use changes have altered watershed hydrology and sediment supply. Human induced global warming may contribute to changes in the magnitude and timing of river flows where more

precipitation falls as rain instead of snow (Knowles et al., 2006) or by potentially increasing the frequency and magnitude of major storms (e.g. Atmospheric Rivers; sensu Dettinger et al., 2011). Urbanization greatly increases runoff to downstream drainages, leading to channel incision or both incision and widening ( Booth, 1990 and Chin, 2006). Dams on rivers alter downstream hydrology and reduce sediment supply, leading to downstream incision (e.g. Williams and Wolman, 1984). Not all changes related to anthropogenic incision are associated with negative environmental consequences, however. For example, vegetation changes related to reforestation of denuded watersheds may limit sediment supply and result in incision ( Marston et al., 2003) and narrowing in concert with establishment of riparian vegetation ( Liébault and Piégay, 2001). Baselevel is defined as the lowest elevation to which a stream can erode (Leopold ABT-888 in vivo et al., 1964). Although sea level is

generally the ultimate baselevel control, other more local changes in alluvial streambed elevation along a river’s course may exert “local” baselevel control on upstream reaches. “Anthropocene” baselevel lowering often sets in motion channel alterations associated with profile steepening immediately upstream of the baselevel change. Because Fossariinae of increased flow velocity and an associated increased channel bed erosion rate in the steeper reach, the change migrates upstream as profile slope adjusts (Leopold et al., 1964). Consequently,

local baselevel changes are considered as a downstream factor affecting alluvial channel incision, because changes resonate upstream toward alluvial river segments through the process of headward migration of the steeper zone, termed a “knickpoint,” or “knickzone,” that modifies the slope of the longitudinal profile. In non-cohesive sediment, the rate and upstream extent of longitudinal profile change depends on sediment supply, transport rate, the character of the upstream channel bed and bank material, and bank stability (Brush and Wolman, 1960, Begin, 1978, Begin et al., 1981, Gardner, 1983 and Ethridge et al., 2005) or on any large woody material stabilizing the channel. The profile may eventually reach a steady state where the knickzone flattens as erosion migrates headward and lowers the entire channel bed equal to the amount of the initial baselevel lowering (Leopold and Miller, 1956, Brush and Wolman, 1960, Pickup, 1975, Begin, 1978, Hey, 1979, Begin et al.

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