In brachytherapy, Streitparth et al. (12) proposed D1cc thresholds of 11 Gy for general gastric toxicity and 15 Gy for ulceration, which were equivalent to 35.75 and
63.75 Gy in 2 Gy fraction schedule, respectively. We could choose a safer option by comparing the dose–volume histogram, as in Fig. 5c. The present technique of paravertebral insertion of applicator needles and HGI to the subperitoneal space enabled HDRBT to be achieved safely without significant radiation to the small intestine. The paravertebral access route is a safe percutaneous interventional maneuver that is also used in retroperitoneal biopsies (13) and neurolysis. Hyaluronate is a biosafe substance that is naturally present in the extracellular space of human and animal tissues and is degraded by our innate hyaluronidase. High-molecular-weight Torin 1 manufacturer native-type hyaluronate has been previously used for risk organ selleck compound preservation during HDRBT [5], [7], [8] and [9], where the spacing effect generally lasted for a few to several hours depending on its concentration and anatomic factors of the injected site. The radioprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of hyaluronate are described previously [14], [15] and [16]. Artificially cross-linked hyaluronate is a biodegradation-resistant time-proof variant (Restylane SubQ; Q-Med, Uppsala,
Sweden) (17) that is used as a filler in cosmetic augmentation. Prada et al. [18] and [19] reported using this type of hyaluronate for creating and maintaining space during IMRT, HDRBT, and low-dose-rate brachytherapy for prostate cancer. In addition, Vordermark et al. (20) commented that a material with faster resolution would be suitable for application to high-dose-rate intraluminal brachytherapy. Although adverse reactions have been reported in these time-proof variants [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26] and [27], adverse events
appear to be much less common after recent advances in purification technology. Native-type hyaluronate is a commercially Prostatic acid phosphatase available product that is inexpensive compared with the cross-linked type, which costs 60 times more. Injection of the gel takes only a few minutes. Because of the steep dose attenuation with distance, interstitial brachytherapy is advantageous over IMRT. In IMRT and most other types of external beam radiotherapy, the size of surrounding high-dose area is generally proportional to the size of the target; in addition, the available angle range is often strictly limited to avoid previously irradiated critical organs, such as the spinal cord and kidney as in the present case. We consider that the HGI procedure is helpful for improving the therapeutic ratio of HDRBT in curative dose reirradiation of PALNM. “
“Since its introduction, Gleason score has proven to be an important prognosticator for treatment outcome in adenocarcinoma of the prostate [1] and [2].