Future work focused on feedback processing, correlating factors of accuracy (when feedback matches brain activity, whether from real data or randomly generated data) and direction (positive feedback vs. negative feedback), could CDK inhibitor also aid in isolating feedback components. We did not provide feedback during rest periods to keep the task simple for participants and to allow contrasts of “task—rest” to include feedback components. While analyzing the data without temporal filtering did not change our primary findings, there were some trends worth considering in future work. Baseline rest values, specifically for real feedback, tend to drift up throughout
the scan (Fig 1). Providing feedback during rest to reduce such drift could produce greater “task—rest” contrast values. Practice and learning effects may AZD1152-HQPA concentration be important as task signal trended up, specifically through the real feedback scan. There are many limitations of this pilot study. A considerable number of scans were excluded based on quality checks, and future RTfMRIf studies relying on functionally defined ROIs may be limited if such defined ROIs
are not reliably found. Excluded studies also altered our counterbalanced design, so our study may be susceptible to order effects. However, we did not note obvious order effects in our limited sample. We did not use EMG recordings to verify that participants were performing motor imagery rather than actual movements. However, we took steps to minimize the possibility of actual movements (immobilization and instructions), blinded participants to false feedback conditions, and failed to find significant differences in primary motor cortex in real versus false feedback fMRI contrasts. It should also be noted that there are other ways to provide feedback,
such as a continuous timeline that cues participants to the relationship between what they are doing in the moment and the sluggish 3-6 seconds hemodynamic delay.8,12 Such approaches may require extensive training not required for intermittent feedback. However, we tested only two medchemexpress specific feedback strategies in our study and did not examine training effects. In summary, we have shown that participants can use intermittent feedback to modulate premotor cortex activity during an imaginary movement task. Feedback displayed intermittently may be superior to feedback that is constantly updating and continuously shown, at least for some tasks. As we only tested motor imagery using a single ROI, it is difficult to know if these findings generalize to other RTfMRIf applications. This pilot study provides some interesting, albeit preliminary, data to guide future studies using RTfMRIf. Future methods work is needed to refine and develop the most interesting new tool of RTfMRIf.