For a-Si and μc-Si, we adopt the optical database from [15]; while for Ag and ZnO, the optical constants
are from Palik [16]. Since p and n regions considered are lightly doped, along with their thin thicknesses (tens of nanometers), the semiconductor doping can be deemed to bring neglectable BKM120 mouse effect on the optical absorption. FEM calculation also demonstrates that (1) the absorption of top TCO is stable under FK228 in vivo various configurations and (2) the bottom TCO absorption is very weak because the short-wavelength light has almost been depleted completely before reaching the bottom. For these reasons, the photoactive absorption (P abs) can be obtained by eliminating the top TCO absorption from the total absorption calculated from RCWA, and the total photocurrent J tot is then predicted roughly from P abs under the assumption of perfect internal quantum process. The above optical treatment can reflect
the total absorption and overall photocurrent characteristics of the tandem SCs to some extent. However, perfect carrier transportation is generally not possible. A realistic device-oriented simulation for SCs requires performing an optical-electrical simulation by connecting the electromagnetic and carrier transport calculations simultaneously (see [9, 17, 18] for details). For the tandem cells, we need the optical-electrical simulations I-BET151 solubility dmso for both top and bottom junctions with carrier generation, recombination, transport, and collection mechanisms totally included. The carrier generation profile in each junction Cediranib (AZD2171) is from the electromagnetic calculation. This way, the actual external quantum efficiencies (EQEs) and short-circuit photocurrent densities (J aSi and J μcSi) of the two junctions can be achieved, yielding the J sc = min(J aSi, J μcSi). With the dark current response calculated [18], we can construct the current–voltage (J-V) curve for the tandem TFSCs and carefully evaluate the cell performance, such as open-circuit voltage
(V oc) and light-conversion efficiency (η) under various nanophotonic designs. Results and discussion As the featured size of the nanopattern is comparable to the wavelength, the strong light-matter interaction is extremely sensitive to the geometric configurations, providing an efficient way of controlling sub-wavelength light-trapping behaviors. In this study, the integrated absorption is determined by the key parameters of the 2D grating, i.e., the height (d g ), pitches (Λ x , Λ y ), and widths (b x, b y ). Two-dimensional RCWA facilitates to find the optimized total photocurrent J tot (= J aSi + J μcSi) by properly designing Λ and duty cycle b/Λ in both directions.