First, as indicated, other than in a crude fashion, active ingredients were generally not identified. At best, hours of treatment dedicated to a listed deficit (gait, attention, etc) were captured GSK458 molecular weight and, even where the active ingredient was identified and isolated, it was not quantified other than indirectly, using the assumption that hours dedicated to a particular treatment correspond very closely to the units of the ingredient delivered.82 If we consider that the essential
or other ingredients may include goal setting, providing feedback, and transferring of factual knowledge, it should be clear that the claim that time corresponds with quantity of ingredients is a tenuous one. Once we have solved the problem of how to fruitfully classify rehabilitation treatments, Galunisertib purchase the next predicament will be how to operationalize the quantity of those treatments and to develop systems of measurement that, in practice, maybe feasible only for the most well-funded research projects. The efforts described in the preceding sections are far from offering an integrated, complete, and useful taxonomy of rehabilitation interventions; however, they may contribute building
blocks to such an effort. Whether a rehabilitation taxonomy is created predominantly deductively or inductively, it needs to specify interventions (treatments, techniques, technologies, practices, approaches) because these are the links between patient diagnoses (in medical terminology) or client problems and goals (in
behavioral terminology) and patient/client outcomes.57 and 102 In contrast Phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase with the “bottom-up,” inductive approach to rehabilitation treatment classifications used by PBE and similar studies, a “top-down,” deductive approach would start with a well-developed and validated treatment theory (or a set of midrange treatment theories18) and might use expert opinion to identify those treatments that fit in this theory, that is, interventions that offer or include the active ingredient(s) the theory specifies as a necessary and potentially sufficient treatment for the deficits or problems experienced by categories of patients.10, 18 and 25 Although no systematic approach to such a theory-driven taxonomy has been published, we have put forth what we consider to be the essential elements of treatment theories: the outcomes that may be expected to be affected by treatments that are based on a specific theory, the essential and other ingredients that are contained in those treatments, and the mechanism(s) of action that connect ingredients to outcomes.13 and 61 Characteristics of the patients/clients involved may be moderators of the causal pathway leading from treatment to outcome.25 The series of articles in the current supplement specifies further characteristics of a theory-driven system for classifying rehabilitation interventions.