N, the solution of the above equation is as follows: (15) where

.N, the solution of the above equation is as follows: (15) where and (16) By analogy, (17) where

and (18) It is easy to see, that . The field probability amplitudes can be obtained using the subsystem of Equation 4 of the full ‘conservative’ system of Equations 3 and 4. Therefore, substituting (15) and (17) into the Equation 4, and then taking into account the restrictions β α (0) = 0 for α = 1..N, we obtain that (19) and (20) where (21) Note, here, we neglected the possible space angle distribution for the direction of the resonant wave vector k. Inasmuch as cos(k ( r α – r δ )) = cos (kr α ) cos (kr δ ) + sin (kr α ) sin (kr δ ), then, after substitution of the found superpositions (15) and (17) into the initial Equation 12, we derive the following integrable differential equation: (22) Integrating the left and right sides of the equation above (22) over time yields (23) where (24) and (25) According PS-341 molecular weight to the definition of the functions F c,s (t) (26) and (27) The solution of such linear first order differential equation, like (23), has the form: (28) The integration in the last expression can be performed, FG-4592 concentration yielding (29) Therefore, (30) where (31) The initial condition β α (0) = 0, for α = 1..N, sets the coefficient C 0 equals 0. The initial time derivative can be determined, for example, if the system of Equation

3 from the initial ‘conservative’ full system of Equations 3 and 4 is chosen as a basis at the time moment t = 0. Then, the initial condition for the field state amplitude γ k (0) = 1, where k = k 0, sets the time derivative to the following selleck chemical expression: (32) Now, the question arises how to choose correctly the coefficients C and C ′. First of all, the choice has to satisfy the limitations on the probability amplitude, yielding Atorvastatin the corresponding probability limited above by unit (the sum of all the modules squared of the introduced amplitudes equals unit probability). Secondly, the solution with

the coefficients have to be consistent with the model decay (damping). We observe that, formally, when the real part of the variable Ω is a negative quantity, that is R e (Ω) < 0, the introduced functions H and f have the following limits for quite long time intervals: (33) (34) Then, (35) (36) (37) As for an open system, in our case, it should be expected for a quite long time interval the total electromagnetic energy of the atoms-field system to be emitted into the subsystem causing the state damping. Therefore, let us define the coefficients C and C ′ in the following manner: (38) and (39) Then, after substitution into the expressions for the time limits, one derive the logical finale of the system evolution: (40) (41) (42) The possible space configurations of the atomic system, satisfying the condition of ‘circularity’, can be easily found. For example, the set s3a1 (the notation ‘s3a1’ is just introduced here): , , and kr 3 = π. As an instance, it can also be the set s3a2: , , and .

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