Neighbor Joining tree graphically viewed using the FigTree program Branched tips labeled with protein accession number followed by species name. Scale bar indicates 0.06 amino acid substitutions per site. Branches colors are fungi-brown, algae-green, Archaea-red, Proteobacteria
(alpha-pink, beta-magenta, delta-blue, gamma-purple), Cyanobacteria-torquoise, Firmicutes-yellow, Actinobacteria-red and all other Bacteria-black. (PDF 6 MB) Additional file 2: Supplemental Table S1. Sequence accession numbers, taxa name and sequence length of putative ChrA sequences used in phylogenetic analysis. (DOC 588 KB) Additional file 3: Supplemental Figure S2. Operon structure analysis of the Arthrobacter sp. strain FB24 CRD. RT-PCR was used to determine co-transcription of the genes within the chromate resistance selleck compound determinant. A: Location of primer pairs. Primer sequences are listed in table 4. Primer numbers correspond to the 17DMAG datasheet following primers: 1-MQO RT/A, 2-BC RT/A, 3-SP RT/F, 4-SP RT/R,
5-COG4RT/F, 6-COG4RT/R, 7-ChrAP RT/A, 8-ChrAP RT/B, 9-BP RT/R. B: RT-PCR results with listed primer pairs. C: RT-PCR products of reactions performed with primer pair 2 + 4 (lanes 2 and 3) and primer pair 5 + 8 (lanes 8 and 9). Lanes 1 and 7-100 bp PCR ruler, dark band is 1 kb; Lanes 4 and 10-no template controls; Wilson disease protein Lanes 5 and 11-No RT controls; Lanes 6 and 12 positive PCR control using pKH12 as template. (JPEG 32 KB) Additional file 4: Supplemental Table S2. Recipe for vitamin solution added to mXBM. (DOC 30 KB) References 1. Jones D, Keddie RM: The Genus Arthrobacter. The Prokaryotes: An Evolving Electronic Resource for the Microbiological
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