Here, we rederived ChAdV-68 [37] (also called SAdV-25, C68, and Pan9), inserted its whole genome into bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), deleted the E1 and E3 regions, and inserted
a consensus clade B RXDX-106 Gag Tg expression cassette into its genome at the E1 locus. The resulting ChAdV68.GagB vaccine was evaluated for protective efficacy in combinations with plasmid pTH.GagB DNA and modified vaccinia virus Ankara MVA.GagB. This work extends on previously published mouse data [17, 20], and parallels rhesus macaque [11, 19, 21] and ongoing phase I/IIa clinical trial [38] studies exploring similar regimens. Although SAdV-25 had previously been cloned as an E1-deleted vector AdC68 [37, 39], we generated an independently PLX4032 derived E1
and E3 region deleted vector, here referred to as ChAdV-68, from WT SAdV-25 genomic DNA. Rather than traditional and laborious ligation-based methods, we used two new restriction site-independent approaches to precise deletion of E1 and E3 regions from the adenovirus genome as described elsewhere [40]. Briefly, the first method of Chartier et al. [41] was modified to enable E1 deletion concomitant with recombination of the viral genome into the destination plasmid (see Materials and Methods). Of four clones analyzed, all contained the viral genome and three contained the intended E1 deletion, resulting from recombination downstream rather than upstream of the E1 locus. Having used a BAC rather than a multicopy plasmid backbone, we were then able to employ GalK recombineering [42] to delete the E3 region and replace it with a unique PmeI site, an approach that exhibited 100% efficiency. Complete shotgun sequencing of the resulting E1 and E3 deleted ChAdV-68-BAC clone revealed that it was identical to the SAdV-25 reference sequence (NCBI RefSeq accession no. AC 000011) with the exception of five single-nucleotide differences at positions 8919 (C to
G, Gly to Arg in preterminal protein), 15758 (G to C, silent), 17156 (A to Amobarbital T, intergenic), 17434 (C to A, intergenic), and 35228 (G to C, His to Gln in E4). In order to directly confirm and extend published data on chimpanzee adenovirus serotype 68 vectored vaccines expressing HIV-1 clade B Gag [17-20], ChAdV68.GagB was constructed. A synthetic gene using humanized codons coding for myristoylated full-size consensus HIV-1 clade B p55Gag polypeptide (Genbank accession no. AAS19377) was coupled to an mAb epitope Pk at its C-terminus to facilitate detection and the chimeric gene GagB was inserted into the adenovirus genome at the E1 locus under control of the CMV major immediate-early promoter. To assess the ChAdV68.GagB vaccine in heterologous prime-boost regimens, vaccines expressing GagB vectored by plasmid DNA pTH.GagB and modified vaccinia virus Ankara MVA.GagB were also constructed. Expression of the GagB protein in human cells was confirmed by immunofluorescence (Fig. 1A) and on a western blot of infected/transfected cell lysates (Fig.