8% to 21.9%) or the re-assessment period (–8.7% to 16.5%), thus the between-group differences are smaller than our initial estimates of the smallest clinically important difference. We confirmed that circuit class therapy is a low intensity, long duration type
exercise. While only 28% of the cohort achieved the recommended intensity of exercise (ie, at least 20 minutes at ≥ 50% heart rate reserve), the long duration of the exercise class meant that circuit class therapy did provide sufficient exercise dosage (≥ 300 kcal) for a cardiorespiratory fitness effect for 62% (95% CI 49 to 74%) of the cohort. The American College of Sports Medicine updated their exercise prescription guidelines in 2011 (American College of Sports Medicine 2011) and these new guidelines include the recommendation that low intensity, long duration exercise be used for deconditioned individuals.
It is important to note that Libraries higher intensity Trichostatin A supplier exercise still provides greater fitness benefits (Swain 2005). Feedback from heart rate monitors did not increase the intensity of exercise while receiving the feedback (during the intervention period) or after feedback was removed (during the re-assessment period), but there was a trend GSK1120212 clinical trial towards the experimental group spending more time in the heart rate training zone while receiving the feedback (mean difference 4.8 minutes, 95% CI –1.4 to 10.9). The use of augmented feedback from heart rate monitors has not previously been investigated in neurological populations, although its effectiveness has been shown
in school-aged children (McManus et al 2008). It was observed that our participants understood the feedback quickly (usually within the first few stations in the first intervention class) and utilised the audio rather than the visual feedback (ie, they knew they had to exercise harder when the monitor sounded rather than remembering what heart rate they had to exercise above), and that staff utilised the feedback to guide progression of exercises. The neuromotor, cognitive, and behavioural impairments and significant deconditioning commonly seen in people with traumatic brain injury are the barriers to participation in high intensity exercise. Perhaps the addition of verbal motivation and feedback from the treating physiotherapist is required to complement feedback from the heart rate monitor. The ability of different staff to motivate participants to exercise harder was not controlled in this study and could be the focus of future research. Another interesting observation was the variability in exercise intensity displayed from participants from class-to-class (Figure 2). While some variability is expected, our within-subject variability was more extensive than the variability reported in studies involving able-bodied subjects (Lamberts and Lambert 2009).