[3, 4] One of the largest trials addressing cerclage failed to show a reduction in preterm birth prior to 35 weeks in patients with a cervical length <25 mm, but a sub-analysis showed efficacy for those patients with a cervical length <15 mm.[5] These data highlight the primary limitation find more of randomized trials’ generalizability. By design, in order to assess the efficacy of the intervention, the patients need to be the same, which is unrealistic in the clinical setting. Therefore, there needs to be some way of designing trials that will allow us to assess interventions, while at the same time produce information that are applicable
to patients in the everyday heterogeneous clinical setting. Because the pathogenesis of preterm labor is multi-factorial, biomarkers may prove to be useful in following the progression of pregnancy-associated diseases and direct evaluations and therapeutic options toward a particular cause of preterm labor such as inflammation-mediated preterm labor. In addition to their diagnostic
value, identifying specific biomarkers may provide clues to developing novel-targeted therapeutics and predict the response and efficacy see more of such treatment(s). Preterm labor and birth have been proposed to be the end result of a cascade of events, which may begin with infection, inflammation, ischemia, premature activation of the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary axis, maternal-fetal hemorrhage, or uterine over-distension.[6-8] Each of these mechanisms can lead Methocarbamol to cervical shortening and preterm labor. Therefore, it is unlikely that the mediators involved in the cascade are identical regardless of the underlying etiology. Differentiating the inciting event may allow for pathway-specific therapy directed at the underlying cause of preterm labor, rather than at the end result (i.e., cervical shortening or preterm labor).
An ideal biomarker(s) needs to have several characteristics including good specificity and sensitivity, ability to differentiate between diseases that might have similar clinical presentation, and be accessible by non-invasive means such as blood, saliva, urine, or vaginal/cervical secretions. In addition, in order to be useful in allowing for timely intervention, the ideal biomarker(s) would be detectable during early in-utero events that can predict preterm labor later in pregnancy. Finally, cost-effectiveness and reproducibility in a low-risk population (where most preterm births originate) would allow incorporation into routine practice. There are several questions that, if adequately addressed, can help identify those ideal biomarkers for preterm labor.