An inset is the height profile of the nanotube shown in panel e. Figure 2 Enhancement in the yield of the CVD-grown horizontally aligned SWCNT. (a) Variation in the yield of the nanotubes grown from C60 and C60F18. Yield of carbon nanotube dependency on (b) initial fullerene dispersing media, (c) the thermal oxidation environment, and (d) thermal oxidation period. Figure 3 Formation and size distribution of fullerene clusters formed on ST-cut quartz substrates. By visible light microscopy (a) as-deposited, Fulvestrant price after pretreatment
for 75 min in (b) air, and (c) Ar. The upper row shows clusters originally dispersed in acetone while the lower row shows those clusters originally dispersed in toluene. (d) Median and FWHM of the as-deposited and pretreated fullerene clusters. Figure 4 Characterization of clusters at the end of the grown SWCNT. Representative AFM images showing a globule at one end of the as-grown catalyst-free SWCNT along with the height profile of such globule feature to the right while the height profile of the grown CNT is to the left Entinostat mw of the AFM image. We also electrically characterized the as-grown SWCNT room temperature, firstly, by means of two terminal measurements
and then they were gated and characterized once more. In the first step, source-drain electrode pairs were prepared by standard electron beam lithography. To characterize the tubes, a potential VSD was applied across the electrodes and the current, with the VSD measured. Typical two-terminal electrical characteristics from semiconducting nanotubes are shown in panel a of Figure 4. The electrical characteristics of the SWCNTs vary as they are dependent
on the bandgap, which related to the nanotube chirality (diameter). Figure 5b shows typical IV characteristics of metallic nanotubes. The devices exhibit a resistance less than 150 kΩ. This high resistance is attributed to backscattering and contact C-X-C chemokine receptor type 7 (CXCR-7) effects, which results in ISD saturation at high VSD[15]. Panels c and d of the same figure show the IV characteristics of semiconducting and metallic SWCNTs with applied gate voltages, respectively. The metallic nanotubes show no dependence on the gate voltage, as expected, the semiconducting nanotube behavior depends strongly on the applied gate voltage. They are found to conduct well at negative gate voltages while they are almost insulating at positive gate voltages. This indicates they are p-type semiconducting tubes [16]. Figure 5 Electrical characterization of the as-produced catalyst-free SWCNTs. Two terminal IV characteristics of (a) semiconducting and (b) metallic SWCNTs. IV characteristic dependence on the gate voltage for (c) semiconducting and (d) metallic SWCNTs. Conclusion In summary, we have systematically investigated the Lazertinib in vitro pretreatment steps and growth of catalyst-free grown carbon nanotubes using opened and functionalized C60 and C60F18 as nucleation centers.