1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7 0), and 4 ml of absolute alcohol were

1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), and 4 ml of absolute alcohol were added to the pellet and vortexed briefly before spinning at 1500g for 20 minutes. The supernatant was carefully aspirated and 4 ml of ethyl acetate-98% (Labsynth, Diadema, SP, Brazil) were added to the pellet

and vortexed several times over 3-5 minutes. Tubes were kept in a dark room for 10 minutes to avoid photobleaching of the fluorescent dyes, and readings were performed within one hour with a spectrofluorometer (Shimadzu Scientific Instruments UV-3600-UV-VIS-NIR, Columbia, MD) preset to determine fluorescence within excitation and emission wavelengths of each color of microsphere used in the study. Calculation of organ blood flow The deposition of microspheres in an organ is proportional find more to the fluorescence intensity. Therefore, to calculate the click here number of microspheres in a particular organ, the fluorescence in the organ is compared to that of commercially available

preparations with a known number of microspheres; 10 μl of FL10 contains 10,000 microspheres (Sample Fluorescence (FS)/Sample Microspheres (MS) = FL10/10,000). To reduce experimental error a conversion factor (CF) was calculated as the average of the sum of the fluorescence of 2500 microspheres/ml in ethyl acetate-98% solution, as well as the fluorescence of 1250 microspheres/ml, and that of 625 microspheres/ml; 2 ml of each solution was used. The number of microspheres in each experimental sample was calculated by multiplying the CF obtained for the fluorescent dye used in the sample by the actual fluorescence of the sample (MS = FS x CF). Blood flow to an individual organ AZD6738 mouse (Q) was calculated using the number of microspheres in the sample (MS), the number of microspheres in the reference blood sample (MRBS), the weight of the sample (W), and the reference flow (RF), as in the formula: Q = MS/MRBS x RF/W. To obtain

the reference flow (RF) the density of blood (1.06 ml/g) is multiplied by the blood sample withdrawal speed (1.5 ml/min), and then divided by the weight of the reference blood sample. To determine portal Hydroxychloroquine blood flow to the liver, fragments weighing 1/5 of the weight of each organ that drained to the portal system were obtained and grouped as a single sample. The result of the blood flow (Q) in that sample was multiplied by five and then divided by the total weight (g) of the liver of the animal to obtain the portal blood flow per gram of liver parenchyma. Cardiac output (CO, ml/min) was calculated by taking the amount of microspheres injected in the left ventricle (MLV = 300,000) divided by the number of microspheres in the reference blood sample (MRBS) multiplied by the reference flow (RF), as in the formula: CO = MLV/MRBS x RF. Cardiac index (CI) was calculated using the formula: CI = CO x (W x 100)-1. Statistical analysis Data are reported as the mean ± SD.

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