1% w/v was used bM8 medium is defined as M9 using alternative N sources Congo Red Inhibition FW based plates as described above were made containing 0.2% sodium succinate and 0.05% NH4Cl as carbon and nitrogen sources. The plates were supplemented to varying concentrations with Congo Red (0.1% stock solution, filter sterilized). The
plates were allowed to dry for 4d before inoculation. The plates were inoculated from an overnight culture grown in FW-succinate-NH4Cl broth. The inoculum was pelleted by centrifugation and resuspended at an OD595 of 1.0 in sterile water. A 5 μl spot was inoculated on the plates and allowed to dry for at least 1 h before growth at 30°C. A set of plates was incubated in a glass dish containing a wet paper SB202190 towel to maintain heightened humidity. Colony diameter measurements and images were collected over a 72 h period post inoculation from plates inoculated in triplicate. For imaging purposes, additional plates were inoculated with single drops centrally. Drop collapse assay The wetting agent zone was visualized and marked. A 0.01% methylene blue solution was made in sterile water, and a 2 μl drop was applied to the agar surface and the wetting agent surface. The response was immediately photographed. Nutrient requirements
for Swarming Selleckchem Go6983 Alternative carbon sources (maleic acid, malic acid, sucrose, benzoate, maltose, mannitol, d-sorbitol) were tested at 0.2% w/v, with other constituents as Stated above, with ammonium chloride as sole nitrogen source. Casamino acids were tested as sole carbon and nitrogen source at 0.1% w/v final concentration. Water and agarose were autoclaved, cooled to approximately 50°C, and supplemented with other components prior to
plate pouring. Succinate was used as the carbon source for determination of nitrogen source dependence. NH4Cl, (NH4)2SO4, glycine, methionine, histidine, tryptophan, tyrosine, cysteine, and arginine were all tested as potential selleck kinase inhibitor stimuli for swarming, at 0.05% final concentration (w/v). All amino acids used were the L-forms (Fisher Scientific). Colony diameter measurements and images were collected over a 72 h period post inoculation. Microtiter biofilm cultures Cultures were inoculated from overnight growth in M9 based 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase broth containing succinate as sole carbon source, and NH4Cl as sole nitrogen source. For nitrogen or carbon source tests, the overnight culture was pelleted and resuspended in the nutrient medium of interest at a 1:100 dilution from the original culture, and dispensed in replicates (6 for each condition) in the wells of a microtiter dish. The edge wells were filled with sterile water, and the lid was coated with Triton X-100 diluted in 70% EtOH to prevent condensation [38]. Plates were prepared in duplicate, for assay at 24 h and 48 h. At 24 h, one plate was washed 3× with water, and stained for 15 m with 1% crystal violet (CV).