With the exception of the seven formulas included in the retrospective study, FODMAPs Galunisertib have only been identified and quantified in food. The low FODMAP diet for use as management of IBS is now supported by good knowledge in food composition. FODMAP analysis of a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and grains has been completed,[19, 26, 27] and with the ever-expanding database of FODMAP composition, packaged foodstuff containing ingredients of known FODMAP content is seemingly well predicted by ingredients lists. The application of the same assays for measurement of FODMAPs in food to enteral formula
yielded a FODMAP content of the seven formulas included in the retrospective study from 10.6 to 36.5 g per recommended daily volume,[25] most commonly from oligosaccharides. All of these formulas represent a higher FODMAP content than that seen in a daily dietary oligosaccharide intake.[22] Whether those assays are prone to artifactual influence is currently
under evaluation, Autophagy activator including the application of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) techniques and competitive assays. Considering the suggested link between EN-associated diarrhea and FODMAP intake, the FODMAP content of all enteral formulas may be beneficial in predicting diarrhea development. The ingredients commonly found in enteral formulas are rarely found in food supply, so prediction of FODMAP content of enteral formulas via the ingredients 2-hydroxyphytanoyl-CoA lyase lists may not be as accurate. Comparison of estimated FODMAP content based on ingredients lists to actual measured FODMAP content will indicate whether ingredients lists may be used in the same way as food supply in predicting FODMAP content. It is thought that any enteral formula containing one or more ingredient of known high FODMAP content—inulin, FOS, GOS, fructose, and milk solids/powder
(lactose-containing)—represents a high FODMAP formula. An inaccuracy behind this assumption is that ingredients are seldom quantified. Thus, the influence of these ingredients within an enteral formula may be inaccurate. Additionally, inulin is never described in relation to degree of polymerization (i.e. the number of fructose units per molecule) and is most often referred to as fiber rather than FODMAP. While both terms are acceptable descriptions, effects of inulin of differing chain lengths is likely to also have an influence in the accuracy of FODMAP content and may also overestimate FODMAP content. Inulin of a greater degree of polymerization may have a physiological effect characteristic of a fiber, which is not as rapidly fermented as FODMAPs and has less of an osmotic effect. These symptom-inducing properties are related to the shorter chain length of FODMAPs. Furthermore, our knowledge of the FODMAP content of specific ingredients found in enteral formula is poor, with potential to underestimate FODMAP content. Ingredients lists remain inaccurate predictors of FODMAP content in enteral formulas.