The main reasons are: – it would introduce stricter limits in terms of catches (through quotas) and in terms of fishing time; Following these considerations, MAREMED project partners agreed that Mediterranean fishermen should not be forced into a TFC system, but rather be directly involved in fisheries management at the local level, and made more responsible through the participation in the development and implementation of specific management plans. This study was conducted with the GKT137831 chemical structure financial support of the Commission of the European Communities within the MAREMED
Project – Maritime Regions Cooperation for Mediterranean ( – MED Transnational Cooperation Program financed by the European Regional Development Fund). It does not necessarily reflect the European Commission’s views and in no way anticipates its future policy. This support is gratefully selleck inhibitor acknowledged. “
“In the paper ‘EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and Marine Spatial Planning (MSP): Which is the more dominant
and practicable contributor to maritime policy in the UK?’ published in Marine Policy 2013;43:359–366, co-author Jonathon Brennan’s affiliation is shown as Natural England. Jonathon Brennan would like to point out that at the time when the work was carried out, his affiliation was the School of Marine Science and Technology, Newcastle University, Newcastle on Tyne, UK. The views put forward in the article do not necessarily reflect the views of his current employer, Natural England. “
“In the Pacific Islands Countries and Territories (PICTs), coastal capture based fisheries contribute substantially to local subsistence and market economies [1] and [2], while the offshore tuna fisheries are particularly valuable national assets [1] and [3]. Marine capture fisheries typically dominate the fisheries of PICTs [4] although TCL production in recent decades has seen a gradual decline, similar to global fishery
trends [5], [6] and [7]. The industrialisation of fisheries since the 1950s has led to the well documented overexploitation of marine resources with a number of fisheries collapsing [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14] and [15]. There is overwhelming evidence that human activities are profoundly altering marine ecosystems on a global scale [16], [17] and [18]. Of particular concern are the environmental changes that human activity is causing to the functioning of coral reef ecosystems that support fisheries upon which millions of people, including all of the PICTs, depend [19]. One of the responses to declining capture fisheries has been a dramatic rise in aquaculture production. With a global reduction in wild capture of more than 0.5 million tonnes per year from 2004 to 2010, aquaculture has been increasing in production at approximately 2.5 million tonnes per year over the same period [20]. Globally, aquaculture contributed 63.