, 2001). These ADARs bind to duplex stem-loop structures within pre-mRNA, and then catalyze deamination of adenosines to inosine (I) (Figure 2A). This action effectively alters the codon within the mature edited mRNA, because inosine is decoded as guanosine by the translation machinery. To test whether the specific deaminase isoform ADAR2 is responsible for the CaV1.3 IQ domain variability, we compared results from wild-type GluR-BR/R mice to those of ADAR2−/−/GluR-BR/R knockout animals (Higuchi et al., 2000), focusing in particular upon the lumbar and whole-brain regions. Direct DNA sequencing Fulvestrant clinical trial of RT-PCR products from these
regions gave strong qualitative indications of sequence variability (Figure 2B, left) at each of the colored locations identified earlier in thalamus. For quantification, we measured the relative
heights of chromatogram peaks for adenosine and guanosine at these loci, enabling specification of a percent-recoding metric shown as light-colored bar graphs (Figure 2B, right). Reassuringly, measurement of chromatogram areas yielded identical estimates of percent recoding (Figure 2E). GS-7340 Additionally, as an independent measure of percent recoding, a colony screening method produced a closely similar quantitative profile of sequence variability (Figure 2B, right, darker-colored bars). The quantitative analyses revealed an overall rank order of RNA sequence variability (most frequent to rarest) of: ATA (I) recoding to ATG (M), followed at a slightly lower frequency by TAC (Y) recoding to TGC (C), followed much more rarely by CAG (Q) recoding to CGG (R). Another perspective came with extensive colony analysis of mouse whole brain, yielding an overall frequency distribution of IQ-domain sequence combinations ( Figure 2F). Given this rich assortment of variants in wild-type mice, we undertook the key genetic experiment regarding the origin of this variability. Indeed, the ADAR2 Resminostat knockout was devoid of sequence variability ( Figure 2C), thus arguing strongly that ADAR2 is necessary
for CaV1.3 IQ domain editing. Given the nuanced distribution of ADAR2 throughout the brain, we next explored the spatio-temporal occurrence of CaV1.3 RNA editing across the CNS. Accordingly, the editing analysis introduced in Figure 2B was applied to individual brain regions, such as frontal cortex, hippocampus, medulla oblongata, and cerebellum of rat brain. The analysis revealed that editing was spatially regulated across the rat brain, with frontal cortex and hippocampus showing the most editing (Figures S3A and S3B). These general trends from rat were recapitulated in the mouse brain (Figure S3C), with subtle intraspecies differences present at the quantitative level. As well, we explicitly confirmed the presence of CaV1.3 IQ domain editing in human brain (Figure S4A).