The lack of an obvious phenotype
was attributed to redundant expression of syp isoforms such as synaptogyrin (syg) or synaptoporin. Consistent with this notion, mice lacking both syp and syg exhibited diminished long-term potentiation ( Janz et al., 1999). Nevertheless, recent genetic screening in human subjects, and behavioral studies in mice, have implicated loss or truncation buy BKM120 of syp in mental retardation and/or learning deficits ( Schmitt et al., 2009 and Tarpey et al., 2009). These new results suggest that syp might play a subtle yet important role in regulating synaptic transmission in neuronal circuits involved in learning and memory. As alluded to above, it is not clear as to whether syp functions Gemcitabine clinical trial in the SV recycling pathway in central neurons. To test this notion directly, we performed a quantitative analysis of SV recycling in cultured neurons using optical and electrophysiological methods. We show that syp regulates the endocytosis of SVs both during and after sustained neuronal activity via distinct structural determinants. We further show that the observed defects in endocytosis, due to loss of syp, exacerbate synaptic depression and delay the replenishment of releasable SV pools. To determine whether syp functions in the SV recycling pathway,
we directly monitored the trafficking of SV proteins tagged with the pH-sensitive GFP, pHluorin (Miesenbock et al., 1998 and Sankaranarayanan and Ryan, 2000), in dissociated hippocampal neurons from syp knockout (syp−/−) mice. We used two different optical reporters, syt1-pH and SV2A-pH, in which a pHluorin was fused to the intraluminal domain of the SV membrane protein synaptotagmin 1 (syt1) or SV2A, respectively ( Fernandez-Alfonso et al., 2006). These reporters were expressed in neurons using lenti-virus. SV2A-pH is a novel reporter; its use in monitoring the SV cycle in cultured neurons was validated as shown in Figure S1 all available online. In short, SV2A-pH is efficiently targeted to recycling SVs and its expression does not interfere with the
normal SV recycling pathway ( Figures S1A–S1D). We compared the kinetics of SV endocytosis after sustained stimulation in wild-type (WT) and syp−/− neurons. At rest, the fluorescence of syt1-pH remained quenched due to the low pH of the vesicle lumen (pH 5.5) ( Figure 1C). Exocytosis, evoked by delivering 300 stimuli (10 Hz), led to a rapid rise in fluorescence due to dequenching of the pHluorin signal upon exposure to the slightly alkaline extracellular solution (pH 7.4), followed by a slow decay due to subsequent endocytosis and reacidification of vesicles ( Figures 1A and 1C). Average time constants (τ) of the poststimulus fluorescence decay were significantly greater in syp−/− versus WT neurons (τ = 18.6 ± 1.8 s for WT, τ = 29.6 ± 1.5 s for syp−/−) ( Figures 1A and 1F), indicating slower SV endocytosis and/or reacidification.